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Q: Has the Liberty Bell been shown in movies?
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Where do they keep the Liberty Bell?

The liberty bell is in Pennsylvania.....were its always been. XP

How long has the Liberty Bell been a symbol to the US?

It was dubbed the Liberty Bell in 1830.

When was the Liberty Bell celebrated?

The Liberty Bell has never been "celebrated". It was rung on July 4, 1775 ( hence the name Liberty Bell) and it cracked, so it hasn't rung since.

How long has the Liberty Bell been in pa?


What was the Liberty Bells first name?

The Liberty Bell wasn't named as we know it until it was 86 years old. The bell's original name was "State House Bell." The bell officially became "The Liberty Bell" in 1839 and has exclusively been called such since 1893.

When was the liberty bell built?

The bell was first called the Liberty Bell in 1835 in a journal published by the New York Anti-Slavery Society. The bell was made in 1753, so it was 82 years old when it was first called the Liberty Bell.

How and why is the Liberty Bell unique?

Bells have often been used for religious purposes, and churches traditionally have bells, but bells have seldom been used for political purposes. The use of the liberty bell as a symbol of democracy is unique, since it is the only instance of a bell being used for that purpose.

What Harry Potter movies have been shown on tv?

1,2,3 and 4

When was liberty bell rung last?

The Liberty Bell was last rung on George Washington's birthday; February 22, 1846; and it was at this ringing that the crack on the bell widened, placing it permanently out of commission. Since then, the bell has not been rung; but is ceremoniously tapped, every July 4th.

Was the Liberty Bell rung in honor of Chief Justice John Marshall upon his death in 1835?

Yes. It's been verified that the Liberty Bell was rung to toll Chief Justice Marshall's death; however, the bell didn't crack at that time, as some claim.

How much is a liberty bell silver dollar worth with a number 6 over the bell?

There were no silver dollars minted in 1950. The Franklin half dollar has the Liberty Bell on the reverse, The "6" above the bell must have been added after the coin left the mint. The "6' reduces the value of the coin to the value of the silver in it.

What city would you find the Liberty Bell?

You can find the Liberty Bell in Phildelphia. It is in some kind of building with glass the whole way around the bell. So if your walking through Phillie you can see the bell. It's a really cool and informational trip that I took in 4th grade. It was a good experence. If you've never been to Phillie to see the Liberty Bell, consider it. Again, it is in the heart of Phildelphia, PA.