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no in the beginning the earth stood strait up after the sin in the garden of Eden it threw every thing off even the earth and it tilted

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Q: Has the earth always been tilted the same amount?
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Has the earth always been tilted 23.5 degrees?


Has the earth tilted over?

The Earth has always been 'tilted'. The planet is tilted by about 11 degrees from the vertical. The tilt helps to create the seasons - and is responsible for the varying length of day & night.

Has Uranus always been tilted?

No Uranus has not always been tilted, but it was tilted very long time ago in the early solar system years.

What season is it when the southern part of the earth is tilted towards the sun?

If you're in the southern hemisphere, then it is Summer when the southern part of the earth is tilted towards the sun. If you're in the northern hemisphere, it is Winter at that time.

Did the earthquake in Chile cause the earth axis to be tilted?

What? No...the earths axis has been tilted for hundreds of millions if not billions of years. If your question is: Did the earthquake in Chile cause a variation in the tilt of the earth's axis? Then the answer is yes, very slightly, but noticeable.

Has the moon always been the same distance from Earth?

No it has not, because the gravitational pull has not always been the same. It is closer to Earth than it ever has been before.

When the earth tilted on its axis recently how far and why?

The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.5 degrees compared to the plane of the Earth's orbit, also called the "ecliptic". As far as we know, it has been at this angle for billions of years; probably since the impact with a "rogue" planet that created the Moon about 4 billion years ago.

Who was on Earth before god?

No-one, since God has always been and the earth was created by Him.

Jesus when on earth was god?

No. Christ Jesus has always been and will always be man, not God.

How did the earth turn into land?

The Earth has always been a big ball of rock, with a metallic core, ever since it was originally formed. It has always been land, which is what we call the outer surface.

Is global warming the primary cause of wind?

No. Wind is caused by a combination uneven heating of Earth's surface and Earth's rotation. There has always been wind on Earth and there always will be, with or without global warming.

What are the effects of the movement earth around the sun?

the revolution of the earth along with the tilt in the earths axis causes: varying lenghts of day and night changing seasons if the earths axis were straightvand not tilted there would be no seasons,since every point on the earth would recieve the same amount of light each day of the year.nor would there have been any variation in the lenghts of day and night-they would lost 12 hours each.