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Yes. Water is recycled endlessly.

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Q: Has the water on earth today been sustaining life for millions of years?
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The water on the Earth today has been sustaining life for millions of years.?

Yes. Water is recycled endlessly.

How is it possible that the water you use today is the same water that has been on earth for millions of years?

The water cycle

Role of evaporation sustaining life on earth?

it helps in water cycle

How can you use the word essesntial in a sentence?

Water is essential for sustaining life on Earth.

Is there exactly the same water on earth as there was millions of years ago?

Although almost all of the water on Earth today has been on the surface for millions of years, some is constantly added from underground rock, and a tiny amount by meteors. Some water is lost to the formation of minerals and compounds, and by the photodissociation of water (after which the some of the free hydrogen nuclei can escape into space).

The water on Earth today is what?

the water the earth was formed with

What life-sustaining substance exists in vast amounts on earth but not on other planets of our solar system?

Liquid water

How did rain start?

rain started as soon as water came to earth,because there is water there is the water cycle, evaporation,condensation and precipitation.In fact the water we all have today is the same water millions and billions of years ago because of the water cycle.

What 2 factors have changed the earth for over millions of years?

Wind & water

Is there a start to the water cycle?

It is assumed that water arrived on Earth from space, hundreds of millions of years ago.

What form of earth did the dinosaurs live on when they died?

dinosaurs actually lived every where we live on. Millions of years of go Dino's lived here .The Dino's also bathed in the water we drink and we bath in but today we have filters that clean the water.

What is the percentage of water on earth today?

about 75%