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Yes. Since record keeping began in 1950 Alaska has had 4 tornadoes and Hawaii has had 39.

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Q: Have Alaska and Hawaii ever had any tornadoes?
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Do any tornadoes occur in Hawaii?

Yes. Hawaii will get tornadoes on rare occasions.

Which two states do not border any other states?

Alaska and Hawaii do not border any other state.

Are there any severe storms or tornadoes in Hawaii?

Yes. Hawaii does see severe thunderstorms and occasional tornadoes. Hawaii has also has a few hurricanes.

Are any states safe from tornadoes?

No state is completely safe, however, strong tornadoes are very rare in and to the west of the Rockies. Tornadoes are also very rare in Alaska and Hawaii. The states of the northeast are also not hit often, but have still had a few tornadoes of F4 strength and at least one F5.

Which state does not border another state?

Neither Hawaii or Alaska share borders with another US State. Hawaii is a US state that doesen't border with any other state Alaska shares border with CanadaAlaska and Hawaii innit

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Hawaii and Alaska have no bordering states alaska has a bordering country which is canada and hawaii is just islands

Did the tornado in Oahu Hawaii kill anyone?

No. Of the 15 tornadoes confirmed on Oahu since 1950 none have ever claimed any lives, nor has any other tornado recorded in Hawaii been a killer.

What 2 states don't share a border with any other state?

Two Alaska and Hawaii

Do Alaska and Hawaii border any states?


Why will Alaska likely never have any tornado?

Actually, Alaska does have tornadoes, but only very rarely.

Has there been any other extreme weather like tornadoes or hurricanes in Hawaii?

Yes, Hurricanes and tornadoes have both been known to hit Hawaii.

Are there any US Presidents that were born in Hawaii or Alaska?

President Obama was born in Hawaii. No US President has been born in Alaska.