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Q: Have a dermal skeleton with spines and plates only found in marine environments?
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seahorse's skeleton is made up of bony plates

What are the ossicles on a star fish?

The starfish is an echinoderm with an endoskeleton of calcium carbonate "ossicles". These honeycombed plates form the dermal region with an overlying epidermis. Their function is to protect the underlying tissue and to give strength and structure to the star fish. They are the equivalent to the human skeleton, more or less.

What is the function of the ossicles in starfish?

The starfish is an echinoderm with an endoskeleton of calcium carbonate "ossicles". These honeycombed plates form the dermal region with an overlying epidermis. Their function is to protect the underlying tissue and to give strength and structure to the star fish. They are the equivalent to the human skeleton, more or less.

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What bony plates make up a star fish skeleton?

The endoskeleton

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the cr]acka pollies

Are stegosaurus back plates are attached with his bones?

Stegosaurus plates aren't attached to the skeleton. They are connected to the Stegosaurus via the skin.

What type of skeleton does chiton have?

Chiton possess a highly conserved skeleton of eight shell plates (valves) surrounded by spicules or scales

What bony plates make up the starfishes skeleton?

The bony plates of a starfish are made up from calcium carbonate. When the starfish dies, the skeleton usually denigrates and nothing remains except for the oral disk.

What bony plates make up a starfishs skeleton?

The bony plates that make up a starfish's skeleton is the ossicles. They are found in not only starfish but sea cucumbers and sea urchins also.

Is there volcanos in the marine west coast?

Yes, There is volcano's in the marine west coast by convergent plates (subduction)

Skeletal plates in starfish?

They make up the skeleton and protect internal structures.