

Have aliens been seen

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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yes only one person has been seen this thing

our ansisters

it says all ejption are were a gift from aliens

all this now day tecnology was not possible if god could not made man with intelegince or aliens with tecnology.all this takes us one step in to the future

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Q: Have aliens been seen
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no aliens are not imaginary, milions of people have seen aliens and have been abducted by them, and there have been loads of alien UFO sightings, so aliens are real.

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No, the other side of the Moon has been extensively photographed and no suggestion of the presence of aliens have been seen.

Have aliens ever been seen?

Not that anyone knows and has proven.

Has the world seen aliens?

Not that anyone has been able to prove, but it is fun to pretend, isn't it? yes ascropshave been seen

Has anyone seen a alien?

A number of people CLAIM to have seen aliens, or THOUGHT they had seen aliens. So far, though, there has been no proof one way or the other.

Where and when has aliens have been seen?

until now with ANY proof. nowhere and never

Has a aleion ever been spoted?

Humans have never seen aliens yet.

Where have aliens been seen before?

Yes in fact is has been seen in many places in America even UFO's witch are the Aliens Transportation. this dude is lying there are no such things you dumb nerd.

Have any aliens been seen?

It is claimed that they have been seen however if you ask to see one no one can show you one. So my guess is no.

Why are aliens scared to be seen by people?

We humans don't know much about these aliens, so this question has not yet been answered positively.