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Q: Have been seeing a bright lighted triangle in my left eye for over a month now When I close my eyelid it's still there with a little movement of somekind What do you think this is?
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What does a lighted bulb indicates?

inspiration, or a bright idea

Which lighted reighndeer are the brightest?

Both walmart and target carry a variety of lighted reighndeer that are very bright.

What are the other words for illuminated?

bright, lighted, lit up, irradiated

What other words are there for the word illuminated?

bright, lighted, lit up, irradiated

What does llluminated mean?

provided with artificial light; "illuminated advertising"; "looked up at the lighted windows"; "a brightly lit room"; "a well-lighted stairwell" if you think illuminous pink its a very bright colour.

Are pupils supposed to be big or small?

Well when you are inside or in a low lighted area your pupils get bigger, but when you outside when its bright your pupils get smaller.

How bright is the Tinsel Baby Polar Bear Outdoor Lighted Decoration?

This decoration is 3 dimensional and is approximately 30" tall so it will have a significant about of lights on it.

Bright Lyra star that forms the summer triangle with deneband altair?


Bright lyra star that forms the summer triangle with Deneb and Altair?


Why can't you see in bright places?

The first thing about why can't we see in bright places is-when we live in a dark place or normal lighted place like sun light, so according to condition of light retina of our eyes is balanced only for that light, but when we move from dark to bright places, so abruptly retina has to face bright light and it get reduced. this is the reason why can't we see in bright places.

Why does the Moon appear as a bright object in the sky?

The moon is lighted by sunlight. That's why when the Earth is between the sun and the moon the shadow of the Earth causes the Moon to be entirely dark (a lunar eclipse).

What is the Summer Triangle?

It is a reference to three bright stars that can be seen in northern hemisphere. Altair in the constellation Aquila, forms the top of the triangle. Vega in the constellation Lyra is the brightest star and is almost directly overhead. Deneb in the constellation Cygnus is the third star.