

Have boats vanished in the Bermuda Triangle?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Have boats vanished in the Bermuda Triangle?
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Who dissapeared in the Bermuda triangle?

the boats that dissapeared in the Bermuda triangle i do not know but there were a couple of boats and ships

What type of remains have been found in the Bermuda triangle?

None, everything and everybody vanished

What is the so called Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is a strange place south of the Caribbean sea where many planes and boats have gone missing.

What is the biggest mystery of Bermuda triangle?

Many planes and boats have gone missing and were never found.

Is the Bermuda triangle made of magnets?

The Bermuda triangle isn't made out of anything. It is a geographical area in the Atlantic Ocean where boats and planes have mysteriously disappeared.

Is the burmuta triangle fake?

No,the Bermuda triangle is real.Lots of airplanes,boats,and submarines have been sucked down in the ocean.

Has one boat cross the Bermuda triangle?

Many, many thousands of boats have crossed the Bermuda Triangle. There is nothing any more dangerous there than anywhere else in the oceans.

Should you be nervous to travel a boat across the Bermuda Triangle?

No, now a days boats (and planes) have advanced compass, GPS, whatever(s) and don't get lost in the Bermuda Triangle.

How does the Bermuda triangle work?

it is a triangle and it swallows people planes ships and boats

How many ships have vanished in the Bermuda triangle?

thousands and thousands of ships and air crafts have sunk in triangle that we can't imagine

How long has people known about the Bermuda triangle?

The first known use of the term "Bermuda Triangle" or "Devil's Triangle" was in a magazine article in a 1964 article that was published in 'Argosy' by Vincent Gaddis called 'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle'. Then in 1974, two books were published, 'The Bermuda Triangle' by Charles Berlits and 'The Devil's Triangle' by Richard Winer. These publications were based on speculation, not science.

Is Bermuda triangle a island?

No. It is the water/ area between 3 islands that make a triangle shape. And supposidly planes and boats that fly through there tend to disappear, and nobody knows why.