

Have hydrogen powered cars been invented?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Concept cars have been made, but none are in mass production to date.

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Q: Have hydrogen powered cars been invented?
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Is there research on hydrogen powered cars nowadays?

yes, for sure. hydrogen cars are created today.

What are some problems associated with hydrogen powered cars?

There are no hydrogen powered cars being sold to the general public. Storage and fueling locations, and the potential hazard of the fuel, are the biggest hurdles.

What fuel will cars run on in the future?

Many alternative fuels, and there can also be air-powered cars, hydrogen powered cars, electric cars, and many more. The best part about using air, hydrogen, and electricity to power cars is that it produces 0 carbon emissions.

What is a challenge to using hydrogen as a fuel because hydrogen powered cars create less pollution than gasoline powered cars?

New fueling stations that can handle hydrogen would have to be built.

Name three ways cars might be powered in the future?

Hydrogen,Energy,Air and solar powered

Have cars ever been powered by milkshakes?

Ummm, yes the cars in your imagination are powered by milkshakes!

Why are hydrogen powered cars considered environmentally friendly?

They produce no harmful emissions.

Vehicles today are powered by?

Gasoline and diesel are the most common. Some companies have cars powered solely by electricity, or some have cars that run on hydrogen although the hydrogen powered cars are extremely expensive and not really available to the public. Some people convert their diesel powered vehicles to run of vegetable oil, and their gas engines to run on propane gas. Ethanol is also common.

Which energy sources seem most likely to be used in future cars?

Solar, electrical, or hydrogen powered cars are most likely to be cars of the future.

Does Honda have hydrogen fuel cars on its website?

Yes, the FCX Clarity FCEV is officially out on the road. This is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.

Hydrogen-powered cars create less pollution than gasoline-powered cars when driven. What might be a challenge to using hydrogen as a fuel?

Challenges to hydrogen as fuel include no distribution network, ie gas stations, and fear that the car co u l d explode like the Hindenburg.

What is an alternative to using gasoline powered cars?

Diesel, CNG( compressed natural gas), hydrogen, Electric, biofuels, solar, human powered(bicycle).