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Q: Have recently had a new hot water tank fitted but when the radiators are heating there is loud banging noises will the tank be empty and will it cause damage if heating is left on thanks?
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Listening to the kind of music that requires head banging causes brain damage. ^eff you. apparently head-banging can bruise the front of your brain, but i don't believe it. :D

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Car raditors can be subject to large amount of damage. When damaged in an auto accident they typically need to be replaced.

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No it doesn't (will probably make it worse) and it can give you brain damage. I wouldn't try it if I were you.

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It is very easy to damage any copper pipe.

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no because it might damage your hair because there might be something wrong with it

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The reservoir tank in the roof might empty, and in extreme cases the pipework leading to other radiators higher than yours might also empty, so the whole central heating network might break down. This could also lead to boiler damage.

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heating / steaming it should do the job but this may damage what is on the paper :)

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As far as I know they can be a sign of calcium deficiency. You can also get white lines under the nails which can be caused by this or by damage (banging, trapping fingers etc...).

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body temperature will only protect against disease when a fever (any temperature above 98.6) develops however fevers are dangerous because they can cause brain damage by over heating yawing was recently discovered to reduce the brains temperature

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The heating system and every other part of the home is included. The main thing is what caused the damage. If it is a covered cause it will be paid for and if not it will not.

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Closing the mines under Thatcher did massive damage. Emigration during the great depression did damage to the language.

Can you damage the heating and AC on the car by running both at the same time?

No, especially since the AC is used when you defrost the windows.