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Q: Have the chromosomes in the locust testes divided into chromatids?
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What is the total number of chromosome in the testes of locust?

six chromosomes

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Two aspects of your biological sex are?

Two aspects of biological sex are chromosomes (XX for female, XY for male) and reproductive anatomy (ovaries and uterus for female, testes and penis for male).

Why testes descends down in human male fetus before birth?

Look up the SRY gene located on the sex chromosomes. The SRY gene when turned on in epistatis controls that.

Where do you usually find haploid numbers of chromosomes?

Haploid cells are "sex cells" that are found in the ovaries or testes of a sexually reproducing organism. Sex Cells.

What is Pertaining to the testes?


What is the outcome of meiosis in males and females?

It isn't different. Both parents give half of their chromosomes to their offspring.

What chromosome contains a gene that causes the gonads of an embryo to develop testes?

If you're a mammal, the key gene that initiates gonad development into testes (the Sry gene) is located on the Y chromosome. However, be aware that while gene necessary for the initiation of the male developmental program is located on the Y chromosome, many genes absolutely essential for complete testes and male development are distributed across many other chromosomes.

What is the synonym of testes?

Testicles is the synonym for testes.

What is the function of female testes?

Females do not have testes. Testes are male reproductive organs. The female equivalent of testes is ovaries, which produce eggs and female sex hormones.

The pouch of skin that contains the testes is the?

The scrotum is the pouch of skin containing the testes. It is divided into two parts and also contains the epididymides and the lower sections of the spermatic cords.

What is made in the testes?

The testes produce spermatozoa (sperm).