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It is believed that they did die of a meteor but no one is really positive. If they did die of a meteor than the rest probably died from all the dust in the air after the crash. Some aquatic dinosaurs did survive though that is why their are crocodiles,komodo dragons,turtles,etc...(which evolved from these dinosaurs.)

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Q: Have to be 100 percent correct The dinosaurs died of a meteor hitting earth. After the meteor hit earth did all of the dinosaurs die or there was some dinosaurs left and the just died of low food?
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How do dinosaurs exist?

by a meteor

How did dinosaurs were wiped out?

A meteor shower.

What is the hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting the planet?

Impact crater is one term for the hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting the planet.

Who shot the dinosaurs?

they were supposedly hit my a meteor

Did a lot of dinosaurs become extinct before the meteor?

Yes! Many dinosaurs such as stegosaurus and apatosaurus died long before the meteor hit Earth.

Was there ever a meteor shower on earth that messed up life?

No, not a meteor shower. The dinosaurs became extinct after a meteor struck the earth which blocked out the sun and killed much of the vegetataion that the dinosaurs used for food.

Which meteor fell and the dinosaurs died?

We are not particularly sure but we think that a meteor wiped out the dinosaur race.

Will the meteor that kill the dinosaurs kill us too?

No, because that meteor already hit the earth.

Why did god extinct dinosaurs?

There was a big accident with a meteor.

What is the top predator of all dinosaurs?

a meteor shower

How big was the meteor that was said to have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs?

Although there is much speculation over what actually caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, a large meteor did, in fact, strike the Earth shortly before the dinosaurs' extinction. The meteor is believed to have been approximately 10 kilometers in diameter. The impact location was the Yucatan peninsula and the event occurred around 65 million years ago. If the dating is correct this places the impact during Cretaceous period, which has led many to believe that the impact event triggered or facilitated the extinction of the dinosaurs.

A hole in the groud caused by a meteor hitting a planet?

A solid object hitting the ground with the force of a meteor would leave a crater, a depression in the ground with a raised edge at the surface, similar to Meteor Crater in Arizona.