

Having two lenses on one glass?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Having two lenses on one glass?
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Why is a pair of glasses a pair if its only one?

When you say "glasses", it is plural. A "glass" is one of the lenses. "Glasses" would refer to both of the lenses, and a "pair of glasses" doesn't mention anything about the frame, but it mentions the two lenses. The frame is the object that joins the two lenses so you don't have to wear contacts and so it can stay on your head. When you say "a pair of glasses", you are referring to the "pair of lenses", not the frame. The frame holding the two lenses makes us think that it is one object, when the word "glasses" refers only to the lenses, not the frame. That is why it is called "a pair of glasses".

What kind of microscope uses two or more glass lenses to magnify either living cells or prepared slides?

a calorie

Uses two or more glass lenses to magnify either living cells or prepared slides?

compound light microscope

Why is the microscope called a compound microscope?

The compound microscope is called compound because the modifier compound means "two or more." A compound microscope has two or more lenses lenses. This is to be distinguished from a simple microscope which has one lens. Such a microscope is structurally equivalent to a magnifying glass, though not necessarily a hand held lens.

Why a microscope is called a compound microscope?

The compound microscope is called compound because the modifier compound means "two or more." A compound microscope has two or more lenses lenses. This is to be distinguished from a simple microscope which has one lens. Such a microscope is structurally equivalent to a magnifying glass, though not necessarily a hand held lens.

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Prefix word of having two lenses on one glass?


What bi word means having two lenses on one glass?

The term "bifocal" refers to eyeglasses with two distinct optical powers, typically used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness in a single lens.

Microscope made up of two or more lenses?

Yes, two lenses can make a simple microscope. More are usually used. A magnifying glass - one lens - is the simplest microscope.

Why is a pair of glasses a pair if its only one?

When you say "glasses", it is plural. A "glass" is one of the lenses. "Glasses" would refer to both of the lenses, and a "pair of glasses" doesn't mention anything about the frame, but it mentions the two lenses. The frame is the object that joins the two lenses so you don't have to wear contacts and so it can stay on your head. When you say "a pair of glasses", you are referring to the "pair of lenses", not the frame. The frame holding the two lenses makes us think that it is one object, when the word "glasses" refers only to the lenses, not the frame. That is why it is called "a pair of glasses".

What is a light microscope having two lenses called?

a compound microscope

What is the name given to a piece of glass having one or two spherical surfaces?

A piece of glass with one or two spherical surfaces is called a lens. Lenses are commonly used in optics to refract light and focus images.

Reflecting telescopes differ from refracting telescopes in having what?

Two large objective lenses.

Curved glass that bends light rays?

Curved glass bends light rays due to refraction, where the change in speed of light as it passes from air to the glass causes it to change direction. The curvature of the glass surface also plays a role in how the light is refracted, which can be used in technologies like lenses and curved displays to manipulate the path of light.

What kind of microscope uses two or more glass lenses to magnify either living cells or prepared slides?

a calorie

Uses two or more glass lenses to magnify either living cells or prepared slides?

compound light microscope

What are two examples of lenses that occur in nature?

The crystalline lens in the human eye and the lens found in a squid's eye are two examples of lenses that occur in nature.

Why is the microscope called a compound microscope?

The compound microscope is called compound because the modifier compound means "two or more." A compound microscope has two or more lenses lenses. This is to be distinguished from a simple microscope which has one lens. Such a microscope is structurally equivalent to a magnifying glass, though not necessarily a hand held lens.