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simile because its useing like

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Q: He sped along the wave like the cormorant?
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Then he sped along the wave like the cormorant is an example of which of these literary terms?


What is a wave in which particles in the medium vibrate back and forth along the path a wave travels?

A longitudinal wave, like sound.

What is a wave in which particles in the medium vibrates back and forth along the path the wave travels?

A longitudinal wave, like sound.

Is a transverse wave an example of an longitudinal wave?

No, they are different types of wave. Transverse waves vibrate across the direction of motion, like the waves you get when you shake a rope. Longitudinal waves vibrate back and forth along the direction of motion like a sound wave.

What muscle pushes digesting food along in a wave-like action?

Peristaltic movement.

Which type of wave is described as a wave that is not confined to the space along the medium?

Traveling wave

Which type of wave is described as a wave that is not confined to the spaces along the medium?

Traveling wave

If the sped of a wave is 1500 m sec and its frequency is 200 Hertz what is the wavelength?

For one thing, I think you should do your own homework. But if a wave is moving 1500m/s and one wave is 1/200th of a second's worth, then the length of that wave is 1500/200 = 15/2 = 7.5 meters.

What Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart the sped of the wave is?

what answwer the 1.25s 5.00m what solve it

The type of wave formed when the motion of the medium is along the same direction that the wave travels is?

A longitudinal wave

Wave in which particles in the medium vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels?

Longitudinal Wave

Wave in which particles in the medium vibrate back and fourth along the path the wave travels?

Longitudinal wave.