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No, heaven is not just a cloud. Heaven is much, much better than that. For example, there are streets of transpartent gold. There will be feasts in heaven.

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Q: Heaven is a cloud
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It's "be on cloud nine" and it means to be euphorically feeling as if you are on a cloud in heaven.

Are there any other idioms other than cloud 9?

There is "In seventh heaven."

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You seem to be asking about a distorted version of the idiom "on cloud nine" meaning, extremely happy (cloud nine being a cloud in heaven, or something like that).

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Why is the sky the sky?

From an Old Norse word "sky" meaning "cloud", from Proto-Germanic skeujan, skiwēn ("cloud, cloud cover, haze"), from native heofon (heaven). Which then "sky" became the meaning of "the atmosphere above a certain plain", "the upper atmosphere as seen from the earth's surface".

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It is the form of heaven for animals. It is on a cloud, made of sugar lumps and candy, thus its name

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As prophet Elijah did not die but was taken up into heaven on a cloud, so he still existing and came with Moses on the hill.

Is heaven a myth?

well, some say if you are good you go to heaven and if you are not you go to hell. But it all depends on your religion. heaven may exist but no one really knows - for some people they think heaven as a second chance of life , some believe all the cloud stuff, some believe in a rock and roll heaven and some believe it is endless time to spend with your friends

What are the best weapons on dark cloud?

7th heaven 240 atk 110 mag chronicle sword 260 atk 150 hp

When will Elijah the Prophet and henok die?

The bible says that both the prophet Elijah and Enoch did not die . But were taken up into heaven. Elijah in a cloud.

How does Mark portray God?

In Mark's Gospel, the focus was on Jesus, with very little reason to portray God. However, Mark did portray God in the passages on the baptism of Jesus and the transfiguration. In Mark 1:11, there came a voice out of heaven, saying Thou art my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. In Mark 9:7, a cloud overshadowed the disciples and a voice came out of the cloud. So, when Mark had to portray God, it was as a voice out of heaven or out of a cloud.