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Can you rephrase this question. It is not grammatical English.

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What are the major difficulties faced by the students of non-English speakers while learning English language?

Yes, i agree that a person can face a little difficulties if he/she is a non-English speaker, but that is why he/she is opting to learn English. Nothing is easy, you need to put some effort to get something. And yes once you have decided you can get what you want. And in this case you can have English Training Courses by which you can have good command over your English. I too have gone through the same but now i have some good command over it.

What do you think is the most difficult in learning English?

For many learners, mastering English pronunciation and colloquial expressions can be challenging due to the language's diverse vocabulary and varied accents. Additionally, understanding the nuances of grammar rules and idiomatic phrases can pose difficulties for non-native speakers. Ultimately, the complexity of English spelling and irregular verbs can also present obstacles to those learning the language.

What has the author Russell Monroe Gersten written?

Russell Monroe Gersten has written: 'Practices for English-language learners' -- subject(s): Bilingual method, Study and teaching, Second language acquisition, English language 'Teaching English-language learners with learning difficulties' -- subject(s): Foreign speakers, Study and teaching, Education, Learning disabled, English language, Learning disabilities 'Understanding RTI in mathematics' -- subject(s): Response to intervention (Learning disabled children), Mathematics, Remedial teaching

Do any smart people have learning disabilities?

I have learning difficulties but in the top set for English, in learning support all the others arent in the top set but 1 of them is in the top for maths.

Why should the English learn French?

Learning French can open up new opportunities for English speakers, such as career advancements in Francophone countries, improved communication with French-speaking colleagues or clients, and a deeper understanding and appreciation of French culture and literature. Additionally, learning a new language can enhance cognitive abilities and foster cross-cultural understanding.

What are the difficulties faced by the Indian students in learning English?

basically english is a foreign language.students don't take interest in learing english. main problem of students is pronunciation, tenses and grammer.

'difficulties in learning English language?

There are many inconsistencies in the English language which make it hard to learn. Plural animals for example are not consistent like the plurals of mouse and moose.

What has the author Grant Taylor written?

Grant Taylor has written: 'Mastering American English' -- subject(s): Composition and exercises, English language, Textbooks for foreign speakers 'Learning American English' -- subject(s): Problems, exercises, English language, Textbooks for foreign speakers, Grammar, Americanisms

What difficulties do Filipino students encounter when learning to speak English?

Filipino students may struggle with English pronunciation due to differences in phonetic sounds between Tagalog and English. Additionally, they may face challenges with grammar rules and sentence structure that differ from their native language. Cultural factors, such as fear of making mistakes and lack of exposure to authentic English-speaking environments, can also impact their proficiency in spoken English.

What are the arguments for and against English medium education for speakers of other languages?

Arguments for English medium education for speakers of other languages include increased access to global opportunities, improved communication skills, and better career prospects in industries where English is predominant. Arguments against English medium education for speakers of other languages include potential loss of cultural identity, barriers to learning due to language difficulties, and reinforcement of linguistic discrimination.

What are the communicative barriers in learning English?

Some common communicative barriers in learning English include lack of vocabulary, grammar errors, pronunciation challenges, and difficulties with understanding cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions. Additionally, fear of making mistakes, shyness, and lack of practice can also hinder effective communication in English language learning.

What are the causes of difficulties of the students in speaking English language?

Difficulties in speaking English can stem from factors like lack of practice, limited vocabulary, fear of making mistakes, and unfamiliarity with pronunciation rules. Cultural differences and lack of exposure to fluent speakers can also contribute to challenges in conversational English.