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Depending on credit history and all. I am a realtor in WPB, but at home for medial reasons. NO playing around just down right honest for your housing and home needs. If you would like honesty then pls email me at first then go from there. J Davis-Quigley RE inc

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Q: Hello there, I am trying to find out about government help for buying a house/apartment in Boca Raton or Deerfield Beach, FL. I would like to know where I could apply for any sort of grant, or if I would qualify for helps related to housing.?
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Related questions

Do you need to be on government assistance to qualify for low income housing in Florida?

Yes, you need to be on government assistance to qualify for low income housing in Florida. Just go to and you can get more information

would a person qualify for a housing grant if they have a felony on their record?

If you have a felony on your criminal history can you still qualify for a government grant

Jeff and Margaret qualify for Section 8 housing a subsidized housing program from the federal government. What kind of benefit are they receiving?

To qualify for any type of Housing Assistance you do not have to be receiving any type of Government benefits. Statistically, however, most recipients of the voucher program or public housing or receiving some other type of government assistance. But that in of itself does not mean that the person must be receiving that type of assistance.

Jeff and margaret qualify for section 8 housing a subsidized housing program from the federal government what kind of benefit are they receiving?

To qualify for any type of Housing Assistance you do not have to be receiving any type of Government benefits. Statistically, however, most recipients of the voucher program or public housing or receiving some other type of government assistance. But that in of itself does not mean that the person must be receiving that type of assistance.

Questions and Answers About Government Housing?

What is government housing? Government housing is a type of housing funded by the federal government. These types of programs are generally only open to people who make below the poverty level, are employed and making below living wage, or are disabled and unable to work. Is government housing the same as the projects? In previous decades, sometime government housing was referred to as the projects. However, nowadays, that is not the case. There are all different types of government housing complexes. Some of them resemble the "projects" of former decades, but there are many which do not. Some more recent government housing complexes look strikingly similar to luxury apartment complexes. Will living near government housing bring down a property's value? Yes, close proximity to government house will decrease a property's value. This is because, in many places of the country, there is a stigma against government housing complexes and those who live there. Is military housing a government housing program? Well, technically, military housing is housing sponsored by the government. However, it is not actually considered a government housing program. Military housing is a perk for military families. It is not the result of military families being poor or disabled. How does one find out if they qualify for government housing? If you are curious if you qualify for government housing, speak with your local department of housing or department of children and families. They will be able to properly articulate to you the rules, requirements, and regulations of the government housing programs in your area. Can someone be denied government housing because of their race, sex, religion, or marital status? No, no one can be denied government housing due to any of those things. The Equal Housing Act makes it so that no one can be denied housing due to any government protected status, which includes the above, as well as other considerations. Are there any reasons someone might automatically not qualify for government housing? While a criminal record will not automatically disqualify someone for government housing, certain crimes may disqualify a person who is looking to live in government housing.

Where is the best place to search for an apartment when you are on a budget?

Public housing is the cheapest form of apartments available. The US government's Housing and Urban Development website shows all the requirements to qualify for the housing.

Section 8 Government Housing Program?

Government housing programs are a great option for people who don't make a lot of money. They allow poor people to live a decent lifestyle. One common government program is called Section 8. Section 8 is a housing program funded by the federal government. It provides government subsidized housing at decreased rents for those who are working, but still underneath the poverty level, or those who are disabled. For example, a single mom with two kids who works as an administrative assistant making only eighteen thousand dollars a year would likely qualify for Section 8 housing. A recently disabled person who is unable to work, such as someone who is newly blind, may also qualify for Section 8 housing. The availability and quality of Section 8 housing varies greatly from city to city. For example, in Tallahassee, Florida, there is an ample amount of high quality Section 8 housing. There is even an apartment complex that is only two years old that locks in rates for Section 8 renters. In certain areas of the country, those who qualify for Section 8 housing may be stigmatized, however, there is less stigmatization in other areas of the country. For example, there is very little stigma or discrimination against Section 8 individuals in Tallahassee. If you are not sure if you qualify for government housing programs, visit one of your local government offices, such as a department of children and families, and ask them how you can find out more information about government housing programs, or how you can apply for government housing. Even if you end up not qualifying for government housing, it never hurts to apply. Government housing programs are designed to help you get back on your feet. Don't be ashamed if you find out that you do qualify for government housing. Many government housing complexes feature offices which will even try to help you make more money so that you can live a better life. Also, don't be ashamed to apply for government housing, everybody needs help sometimes. Times will get better, in the mean time, rest assured that government programs exist to help make sure that you don't become homeless.

Are there any UK government schemes which offer assistance with paying housing rent?

Go to for information on social housing. This is usually subsidized by the government, which makes it more affordable for the tenant. You may need to prove specific criteria in order to qualify.

What government programs are there that offer low income subsidies?

The federal government does have different programs for low income housing subsidies, such as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. A good idea is to go into your local government office, and present your situation to an employee who can tell you which programs you specifically qualify for.

What is socialized housing tax?

Socialized housing tax is a tax incentive provided by the government to encourage the development of low-cost housing for low-income families. Developers who qualify for socialized housing programs may receive tax breaks or exemptions to help make the housing more affordable.

Were do you go 2 get government housing being a felon?

You can check with your local public housing authority for information on government housing options available to individuals with a felony record. Restrictions may apply depending on the type of conviction you have. It's important to be transparent about your criminal record when applying for government housing.

How can you find out if you qualify for low income housing?

A good way to find out if you qualify for low-rent housing is to go to your local state website to view the requirements.Be warned that some people who do qualify and live in low-income housing are sometimes classless and the quality of life can be poor