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I don't really understand your question but a guy starts making viable sperm at earliest about 11 years old.

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Q: Help when do yo begin to form sperm cell that can get a girl pregnant?
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Related questions

Are all sperm equal?

All sperm cell are the same. It only takes one sperm cell to get a girl pregnant.

How does the human life begin?

With a sperm cell and a egg cell.

What amount of sperm is required to make a woman pregnant?

One sperm cell

If you accidentally get pregnant is there a way to kill the sperm cell?

* No

When does life begin after birth or during union of the egg cell and sperm cell?

Life begins when the egg cell and sperm cell unite to form the zygote.

Can you get pregnant when the man spread a little sperm cell?

Yes you can, it might be harder to get pregnant but it only takes one little sperm

How smerm does it take to get a girl pregnant?

It takes one sperm cell to get a girl pregnant

Can putting things in your vagina make you pregnant?

Pregnancy requires that a sperm cell come into contact with an egg. So if the "something" has sperm on, or in it, you can get pregnant. Otherwise, no -- no sperm, no fetus.

Which cell has tail to help it move?

Sperm cells are zygotes (specialised cells with only 23 chromosomes).

How much sperm is neeeded to become pregeant?

Technically one sperm cell can get you pregnant, but it is unlikely with one.

Sperm and egg cell maturity begin at?

It begins at puberty.

What stage does a developing sperm cell begin to grow a tail?
