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Are the simple things that people can do for their religion. They do not require all that much time but still make the person feel better about themselves.

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3d ago

It is ultimately up to the individual to decide on their level of participation in religious practices. If one does not wish to provide financial support to the minister, they can choose to show gratitude to God through other means such as service, prayer, or personal reflection. Religious expectations should be seen as a personal choice rather than a strict obligation.

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Q: Here religion demands but little of him a small voluntary salary to the minister and gratitude to God can he refuse these?
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What is the encompasses all the demands of the ten commandments?

The summary of all the demands of the Ten Commandments is to love God wholeheartedly and to love others as ourselves. This encompasses honoring God, not worshiping idols, keeping the Sabbath holy, honoring parents, avoiding murder, adultery, stealing, false witness, and coveting what belongs to others. By following these principles, one can live a righteous and moral life.

What challenges does priest face?

Priests may face challenges such as balancing personal life with their religious duties, coping with the emotional burden of supporting others in times of crisis, and addressing issues of declining church attendance and relevance in modern society. Additionally, they may encounter conflicts with church hierarchy or experience burnout from the demands of their role.

What were some difficulties that St. Dominic faced?

St. Dominic faced opposition from local clergy when preaching against heresies in southern France. He also struggled with the physical demands of travel and rigorous preaching schedules. Additionally, the initial lack of formal approval for the Order of Preachers was a challenge for him.

Who resolved the difference between British and Muslims?

The Indian Independence Act of 1947, passed by the British Parliament, ultimately resolved the differences between the British and Muslims in India by granting independence to the country and partitioning it into two separate nations - India and Pakistan. This decision was driven by the growing demands for a separate homeland for Muslims led by the All-India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

What are some of the practices of Legalism?

Legalism is a Chinese political philosophy that emphasizes strict adherence to laws and regulations, centralized control, and the reinforcement of authority through strict punishments. Some practices include harsh penalties for those who disobey laws, merit-based promotion within the government, and the belief that human nature is inherently bad and must be controlled through strict regulations.

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The lack of consultation in the purchase of the Red River Colony by Canada. That and Canada's demands that those included in the purchase receive it and Canadian rule with nothing but cheers and gratitude.

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Indivually, many of the Muslims try to practice Islam in Pakistan. Unfortunately, as a nation we don't practice Islam as it demands.

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made more demands ..;))

When Hitler's first demands in Czechoslovakia were met?

made more demands ..;))

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Citizens demands, business demands, local and state government demands, and federal government demands, to name several.

Does a christian woman who is going to marry a Muslim man have to give up pork?

If she is changing her religion for her husband then yes, other wise it's just trying to meet the demands of her husband.

When Hitlers demands in Czechoslovakia were met he?

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How can we live by the demands of our religions?

Be strong-minded enough, to accept or to ignore them, which you probably already are, since you have asked the question. You can stay where you are. However, you might not wish to accept at all these demands. With some religions, it is difficult to object to what is taught, so it is necessary to evaluate the importance and the consequences of any changes you might think is in order. To live by the demands of one's religion, requires agreement to its requirements. In some faiths, there is openness to question its teachings, which alters the status of "demand" to instruction, which can be understood to be correct. Commandments should make sense as being wise. : Our attitudes can make a tremendous difference. Viewing religious constraints as "demands" makes it harder for one to live by them, because no one likes having things demanded of them. Demands tend to foster rebellion. : We can start by trying to see those constraints as "benevolent guidance" rather than "demands." Whatever the religion, its constraints are intended to be beneficial rather than detrimental; to protect from harm rather than force compliance. The change in outlook may be helpful.