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Q: Herpes 1 since 12yrs - now diagnosed type 2 - misdiagnosed with 2?
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Can shingles be misdiagnosed?

Yes. Its possible. But that's what "second opinions" are for. Make an appointment with a new doctor, have new tests done and get second set of results. ~ T I would definitely say yes. I have had cold sores my whole life, though I rarely get them, unlike my mother, two sister, and my neice who get them on a regular basis. I had a blood test because of an infection and they told me I had both types of the herpes virus. I am now 27 and have been sexually active since the age of 18. To this day, I have never had an "outbreak" let alone sore bumps in or around my vaginal area. So unless, I am like a carrier or something, I do believe I was misdiagnosed.Yes. Medical diagnosis is more of an art than a science, and errors are always possible. That said, it's generally pretty accurate.

Who brought herpes in the world?

Herpes virus has been with human ancestors since before they were human.

What should i got for Christmas since I'm 12yrs old?

A cell phone. A laptop. An iPod. A WHOLE LOT MORE!! A camera, gift cards, money...

How long has Valtrex been available for within the United States?

Valtrex is an antiviral drug used in the management of herpes simplex, herpes zoster (shingles), and herpes B. Brand name Valtrex has been available since 1995 in the U.S and as a generic drug since 2009.

What is the diagnosis for Down syndrome?

It cannot be diagnosed, since it is in no way possible to contract.

How do you know you have herpes on your penis?

If you have symptomatic herpes, then usually it is very clear since the blisters that herpes produces are very characteristic. The are red, filled with pus and eventually crust over. If seen through the whole cycle, it is hard to mistake it for anything else.

How can you get herpes herpes?

There are various kinds of herpes you can get but the most common ones are hsv-1 oral herpes and hsv-2 genital herpes. This virus is transferred by skin to skin touching. Which means that if you have sex with someone who has genital herpes there is a high chance that the condom won't protect you from the virus. Since the condom does not cover the pubic area where more then likely where the virus will be at. The same goes for hsv 1, if you kiss someone who has it then you might just get it.

Can naproxen sodium cause herpes to develop more often?

I'm not an expert, but I can attest to the fact that whenever I have taken naproxen sodium, it causes a herpes outbreak. I have since completely stopped taking it.

Can someone have genital herpes and recurring shingles...Can each disease perpetuate the other since they both put the immune system under stress?

The STD counselor on a Herpes support site said herpes doesn't live outside the body for long..and you can not catch it from inanimate objects in a VERY RARE case if someone with herpes uses a towel after the shower and rubs enough of the "virus" off and someone uses it immediately after there is a VERY slim chance of them getting is since the towel is still damp.. but that would be a very rare occurrence.

Can a man pass back the HPV to you after you are diagnosed?

Once you have HPV it does not go away. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed, you have it. You can pass it on to another person, but "passing it back" would not make sense, since you already have it.

Can a baby be born with herpes?

If you have herpes 3 months prior to getting pregnant, you body has developed antibodies and it is less likely that you would pass it to the fetus. If you get infected while pregnant you could pass it to the fetus. It is important if you have herpes that you let your doctor know. Herpes is typically transferred to the baby during labor through the birth canal. If you have an outbreak during labor they will do a C-Section.

Can latent TB be cured and how do I know it has been cured?

I am no doctor, but I was diagnosed with TB. I took a medicine for 6 months. You will always have the bug, but chest xrays will show that the bugs are dead! I was diagnosed in 1991 and have been fine since then.