

Hes 18 I'm 17

Updated: 12/11/2022
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Q: Hes 18 I'm 17
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once he turns 18 hes in the slammer honey

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Can i move out if im 17 and have a baby with your baby daddy who is 18

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Depends, what did he threaten him for?

Hes 17 turning 18 in may im 15 and turning 16 in march could you go out and im a freshman in highschool?

The age of legal consent in most states is 16. However, beware that if he is 18 there is not a age of legal consent and he could be charged with rape or contributing to the delinquency of a minor if it can be proven the two of you have had intercourse.

Can I legally move out when im 17 in wyoming?

Legally you have to be 18.

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Yes, if hes under age, you can get in trouble for bugging him

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in real life hes 18, im not sure if he plays a different age in the movie

Is it illegal for a 17 and 18-year-old to be in a relationship?

no. not that im aware of.

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if im correct 17 or 18

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Im Nick Sampson.. im 17.. i turn 18 october 2nd. \m/

If im 17 and shes 19 can we date in Texas?

not until you turn 18

Can you leave home at 16 in Missouri?

In Missouri, the legal age to leave home without parental consent is 18. If you are under 18 and want to move out, you may need to seek legal emancipation or have your parents' permission.