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Q: Hi, I have some bloating recently. There is a lump I can feel from the center of my stomach area to my left side. It is about 2 inches from the bottom of the rib cage and follows to the left side about 3 inches. If I push on it I feel some pain which als?
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Related questions

Where in the stomach?

most of your stomach is in your ribcage, at the bottom of it on the left side

Where is the stomach on the starfish?

It's on the bottom of the starfish because that is where the mouth and stomach are.

Can you only have an ulcer in your stomach?

no,duodenal ulcer lin the stomach's bottom.

Where is the pylorus?

It is located near the bottom of the stomach

What is the valve at the bottom of your stomach?

The Pyloric Sphincter.

What is the narrow bottom of the stomach called?


what does it mean when your bottom of your stomach hurts?

Maybe you will have period

What does it mean when the bottom of your stomach hurts?

Maybe you will have period

Why do toots come out of your bottom?

When foods digest in your stomach, gasses are created which build up and escape out of your bottom.

What is the name of the valve at the bottom of the stomach?

I believe that it is called the Pyloric Sphincter.

Why would a Siamese fighting fish not be able to swim to the bottom of the bowl and only float like a cork?

because it has dropsy or bloating. You need to get some meds for it.

Name and describe the function of two valves found in the stomach?

To hold the food within the stomach there are two valves. At the top of the stomach is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which prevents backsplash of stomach contents upward into the esophagus. At the bottom of the stomach is the pyloric which controls the "drain" of the stomach.