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Well, hieroglyphics helped them keep track of events, news, and leaders, for example; King Tut; The births of future leaders; and the reuniting of the 2 regions.

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Q: Hieroglyphics helped Egyptian scribes keep records of?
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What were hieroglyphics famous for?

Hieroglyphics are famous for a lot of things. 1) helped us understand the Egyptian community 2) showed us what the Egyptians believed in 3) tells us about the Egyptian "gods" and "goddesses" 4) kept the Egyptian records for us

The key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics is the?

The Rosetta Stone is the key that helped scholars decode some Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Which tool helped researchers decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.

Why did Rosetta stone discovery help modern day scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

It provided the first chance to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics writing by providing the same text in Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek. Both the Greek and Demotic could be read to find out what was being said on the stone, the Hieroglyphics could then be compared and analyzed for patterns (similar to the way codes and cyphers are broken).

Why were scribes important to people in sumer?

they helped keep records, and also managed the calendar.

Use Rosetta stone in a sentence?

The Rosetta Stone was helped to find out the meaning and the words of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics!

How did the use of hieroglyphics help the egyptians builders?

The use of hieroglyphics helped Egyptian builders to communicate and organize their work. The overseer's could make lists of supplies needed and tasks that needed to be done.

What helped scholars decipher Egyptian writing?

The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799 near Alexandria in Northern Egypt, was the key that unlocked the secret of the hieroglyphics.

What Egyptian achievements is still used today?

The Rosetta stone helped us read hieroglyphics, the papyrus didn't decay so we are able to read old Egyptian texts, and their magnificent architecture are always worth to see.

How did the sumerians learn how to write cuneiform?

people called scribes helped them learn (scribes were considerd writing teachers)! hope i helped

What is hieroglyphic Egyptian stone tablets?

The Rosetta Stone. While the Rosetta Stone did have Hieroglyphics on it, it also had the same passage inscribed in the Demotic and Classical Greek languages. This helped Young and Champollion in their translations of the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone. A stone slab with just Hieroglyphics would be called a stele. Steles or stelae can be found worldwide, not just in Egypt.

Did the Rosetta Stone help explain hieroglyphics or Roman numerals?

the Rosetta Stone helped explain hieroglyphics