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babies u junkie!

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Guido Larkin

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2y ago
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Q: High temperatures inside earth forms what?
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What does high temperatures inside earth form?

melted rocks are formed when there are high temperatures inside earth.

High temperatures inside earth form.?

no can do

What do high temperatures inside Earth form?

babies u junkie!

Is fossil fuel the energy from the high temperatures deep in the Earth?


What are the temperatures like in June in cities inside the northern hemisphere?

they are high

Minerals formation caused by high pressure and high temperatures lives most likely occur in what environment?

Deep in the Earth is where minerals form. This causes high pressure and temperatures.

What is evidence of high temperatures bellow earth's surface?

because metamorphic rocks transform at certain temperatures and pressures and knowing this we can gauge how hot it is a certain depth in the earth.

Where on earth are the effects of chemical weathering the greatest?

High temperatures and greater rainfall

Why magnesium bi carbonate forms magnesium hydroxide on boiling?

Magnesium bicarbonate forms magnesium hydroxide on boiling because of the high temperatures.

Can a diamond be created in any rock?

No. Diamonds are an allotrope of carbon formed deep within the earth's mantle under extremes of high pressure and temperatures. This unique combination is what forms diamonds over millions of years.

What the formation of rocks due to conduction of geothermal energy within energy?

Rocks inside earth are constantly melting and solidifying, when rocks are heated to high temperatures between (6250C and 1200OC),it melts into magma.

Which environment would mineral formation caused by high pressures and high temperatures most likely occur?

which environment would mineral formation caused by high pressures and high temperatures most likely occur