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Q: Hitler outlined many of his policies he would use when he rose to power in which book?
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What were Adolf Hitler's racial policies?

He is a jerk killed millions of innocent people maybe if miley cyrus was back then her and hitler would twerk at each other thier would be babies everywhere. I hate hitler he is I killer I wish herobrine was real then hitler would be killed by a American

How far do you agree that Hitler's policies were success for German people during the 1930s?

Let me make this plain: It is a statement of fact that the 'Great depression' was what it says it was. When Hitler came to power the depressed economic times were in the past. Therefore some recovery of the German economy would probably happened irrespective of who came to power. Certainly Hitler provided investment opportunities but along with these the social policies he applied to the people of Germany do not bear out what, in my view, a politician should advocate. (That's about as mild as it gets) If you argue for Hitlers 1930s policies then you must be aware of his 1940s policies..... I seem to notice they come to an abrupt halt in April 1945. I am saying I do not agree at all, just so that's clear.

Where were Jews and gypsies sent when Hitler came to power?

When Hitler came to power Jews and Gypsies were not sent anywhere, these actions would come later.

What are the public's opinion on Hitler?

The general public opinion of Adolf Hitler is - understandably - is that he was a despicable man. There are some alive today who would agree with his policies (Neo Nazis) but the overwhelming majority would condemn the man.

The system outlined within the constitution to prevent an abuse of power by any governing body is called?

That would be checks and balances.

What did Adolf Hitler promise he would do once he was in power?

Hitler promsed to save them fromdeath Hitler promsed to save them fromdeath he promise to kill all the Jews

Would Hitler come to power if Germany's money system didn't go bad?

It's debatable whether or not Hitler would have come to power just based on one significant event. In actuality, Hitler and the National Socialist Party were able to come to power because Hitler promised he would end the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty financially devastated Germany and left many Germans bitter and vengeful.

Who would win in a fight between Hitler and Superman?

Both. Hitler would kill the Jew, but Jesus would rise up three days later and forgive all our sins. oooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... whoever has the highest power level

Why did Hitler kill 46 million Jews?

Hitler killed 6 million Jews, not 46 million. There were only 15-16 million Jews in the world in 1939, so killing 46 million would actually be impossible. However, Hitler's reasons for killing the Jews are outlined in the Related Question below.

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What Were The Consequences Of The Beer Hall Putsch?

Hitler wrote mein Kampf. Hitler realised that he would not gain power by rebellion. He began a new strategy - to gain power by being elected.

What if Hitler was assassinated before he rose to power?

History would have been very different if Hitler had been assassinated before he rose to power, however, we cannot know exactly how things would have worked out. There certainly were other dangerous people in Germany who might have risen to power instead. Perhaps Stalin would have conquered Europe instead of Hitler. It's impossible to say.