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Yes, Holden calls most people he comes in contact with "phony" because of their material obsessions ans superficiality, while he is the biggest offender of these characteristics.

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1mo ago

Holden calls others "phony" to criticize them for being insincere or fake. However, Holden himself demonstrates behavior that can be deemed hypocritical or insincere at times, such as being dishonest with himself and others, which could also be seen as a form of phoniness.

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Q: Holden calls other people for phony in what way he is one?
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What does Holden Caulfield mean by calling someone a phony?

he calls them a phony because he thinks they sre fake, in their personality and who they are as a person. but isn't Holden a phony himself for always lying.

In The Catcher in the Rye what is phony to holden?

he thinks phony is someone who discriminates against other or people who are untruthful.

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they are phony

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Who does Holden not view as phony?

Holden does not view his younger sister, Phoebe, as phony. He sees her as genuine and pure, unlike many other people in his life. She represents innocence and authenticity to him.

Why does Holden talk so negatively about all those phonies?

Holden sees "phonies" as people who are insincere, pretentious, and fake. He values authenticity and finds it difficult to connect with those who he perceives as being inauthentic. His negative attitude towards phonies stems from his desire for genuine human connection and disdain for the superficiality of the society around him.

Why does Holden think Sally is a phony in Catcher in the Rye?

Sally - not unusual for a 16-year-old girl - flits from one thing to another on a moments notice, and is obviously (to the reader) fairly shallow. She does, however, show more common sense than Holden does in some things. But her shallowness alone earns her Holden's ultimate put-down: "Phony".

When does holden use the word phony?

Holden often uses the word "phony" to describe people whom he sees as inauthentic or hypocritical. He uses this term to criticize those who he perceives as being fake or pretentious in their behavior or speech.

What did the word phony mean to Holden Caulfield?

The most noticeable of Holden's "peculiarities" is how extremely judgmental he is of almost everything and everybody. He criticizes and philosophizes about people who are boring, people who are insecure, and, above all, people who are "phony." Holden carries this penchant for passing judgment to such an extreme that it often becomes extremely funny, such as when he speculates that people are so crass that someone will probably write "f*** you" on his tombstone. Holden applies the term "phony" not to people who are insincere but to those who are too conventional or too typical-for instance, teachers who "act like" teachers by assuming a different demeanor in class than they do in conversation or people who dress and act like the other members of their social class. While Holden uses the label "phony" to imply that such people are superficial, his use of the term actually indicates that his own perceptions of other people are superficial. In almost every case, he rejects more complex judgments in favor of simple categorical ones. -NERD!

What was significant about Holden's obsession with phonies?

The significance is that Holden himself is a phony, yet he does not realize it.

What is holden's point about the difference in men owning a car and men owning a horse?

men with cars= phony men with horses are not phony because horses are practicably people