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Not necessarily a cavity. May be sensitivity to salt or chemical composition of dissolving foodstoof.

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Q: Hole in your back tooth and some of the tooth is chipping and it hurts when chewing food and it gets down in the tooth what is the problem?
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Related questions

What is chipping of teeth?

when a chunk of your tooth comes of and you have a rough edge.

Why its called toothache not teethache?

because it hurts in the tooth. most of the time only one tooth hurts. if more than 1 tooth hurts, its called multiple toothaches. if your whole mouth hurts, consult a dentist.

What tooth is next to the canine tooth and does the job of chewing and grinding?


What happens if you burn a tooth?

it hurts

A tooth use for gringding and chewing?


What are the symptoms of a tooth ache?

well its not a disease a tooth ace is when ur tooth hurts thats all if it hurts alot i suggest u go see ur dentist

Capped tooth hurts?

A capped tooth may hurt for awhile after the work has been done, but the pain should not be severe and it should subside over time. If you continue to have pain, check with your dentist as your tooth may have an infection or another problem.

How does the structure of an incisor relate to its functions?

A canine is a stabbing tooth, an incisor is a cutting tooth, and a molar is a chewing tooth.

What part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?


What is the structure of a pig tooth?

The pig tooth has a tubercle structure which causes the tooth to have an uneven surface. This makes it excellent for chewing.

Which part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?

Crown The enamel actually bears the force of chewing!

What makes your jaw hurt?

yOUR JAW HURTS WHEN YOU HAVE A TOOTH ACHE or have been chewing gum for a long time, and to cure it either stop chewing or go to the, just kidding if it hurts, you may have a broken/rotten/loose tooth, or you may just need some rest or to stop eating gum