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Q: Holes after returning to the hole where Stanley found the lipstick tube what do the boys discover?
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Who does Stanley give the lipstick to in the movie Holes?

He gives the lipstick to X-ray

What did sanley Yelnats find when he was digging in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

Stanley found a fossil, a lipstick tube, and finally, a suitcase with his name on it.

What was the lipstick case in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the lipstick case belongs to Kate Barlow, a schoolteacher-turned-outlaw who was known for kissing the men she robbed before she killed them. The lipstick case is a key piece of evidence that connects the two parallel storylines in the novel.

Who found the lipstick tube in the book holes?

That object was found by Stanley, but he allowed X-Ray to take credit for its discovery. It is never proven to be a lipstick tube, but because it said "K.B.," Stanley remembered that "K.B." was the initials of Kate Barlow, a famous outlaw who kissed every person she killed, leaving a lipstick mark, therefore thinking that the tube belonged to her. The tube looks like a large bullet in the movie.

What is Stanley last name from holes?

Stanley's nickname is caveman

Who is the caveman in the holes book?

caveman in the movie holes is Stanley yelnats IV

How old is Stanley yelnats in holes?

In the novel of Holes Stanley Yelnats is fifteen years old...

Who was Stanley's counselor in the book holes?

Mr. Pendanski was Stanley Yelnat's counselor in the book/movie Holes.

What is the falling action of holes by Louis Sachar?

Holes by Louis Sachar ends with Zero (Hector Zeroni) and Stanley returning home to Stanley's parents (who have just discovered a breakthrough in their shoe odor reducer) with a strange chest. They pick the lock on the chest and discover millions of dollars worth of stolen stocks, bonds, good, and jewels. Hector was able to "hire a team of private investigators to help him find his mom. Turns out she had been looking for him too.". The Yelnats' shoe odor reducer sold like mad, and so the Yelnats family curse was broken.

Who is Stanley in the book Holes?

Stanley is the main character in the story, he is charged with staling a famous pair of shoes, when he didn't do it! He has to be charged to go to Camp Greenlake, which he has to dig countless holes.

Who is imprisioned in the book holes?

well isn't it stanley?

In the book 'Holes' how much did Stanley Yelnats weigh?

Stanley Yelena's height in the movie holes