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Tooth paste or perfume is the most efficient way to remove nail polish, it might sound crazy but works very well!

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Q: Home remedies for removing nail polish?
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Why spirit use for removing nail polish from nails?

because nail polish is soluble in spirit

How can you clean the organ keys in which nail polish was spilled?

There is a solvent that is marketed specifically for the purpose of removing nail polish, which is called nail polish remover. It works. Buy a bottle.

How do you get nail polish out of a silk shirt?

Your best bet is to take it to a good dry cleaner - home remedies usually just end up ruining silk.

Why is spirit used for removing nail polish from the nails?

because spirit absorbs the particals of nail polish and the surface of the nails look like pearl

What liquid will nail polish dissolve?

1.) Go to the store. 2.) Buy nail polish remover. 3.) Use as directed on the label.

What are the ingredients in crackle nail polish?

Crackle nail polish basically has alchohol in iit. The alcohol makes the nail polish crackle, because of the chemicals in it. Crackle nail polish can also be done at home. Materials: 1) 1 bottle of nail polish (colored nail polish perferred) 2) 1 bottle of alcohol Procedure: Step 1) open the bottle of nail polish Step 2) open alchol, and poor 1 cap of alcohol into 1 bottle of nail polish Step 3) shake up the nail polish Step 4) apply to nails with nail polish on it. It takes a few secs to start to crackle. And wala! There u go homemade crackle nail polish!! ;)

How do you make glow in the dark nail polish from home?

you can't

What does a clear polish do?

Clear nail polish is a special coat of nail polish to protect the other coat of nail polish

What is fizz nail polish?

Fizz nail polish is not a different type of nail polish, its just the Companys Name (the Company produces the fizz nail polish).

why is nail polish called nail polish?

It is polish that goes on your nails. and the nail gods named it that so...

Where can you get nail polish?

you can get nail polish at the store like at target. There are all kinds of colors you can find. and if you are getting nail polish you might wanna get nail polish remover

Does Windex get sticky tag off furniture?

I have been successful removing sticky things with nail polish remover.