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same traits
the same traits as each other. Different chromosome pairs code for different traits than other chromosome pairs do though. Only homologous chromosomes (chromosome pairs) code for the same trait as each other.

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9y ago
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13y ago

Its either the same traits or DNA. i tried the other 2 and they were wrong. good luck : )

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11y ago

for the same traits.

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Q: Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes containing genes that code?
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What is a pair of similar chromosomes with the same genes in the same locations?

Homologous pairs of chromosomes carry the same genes. These chromosomes are found in the same loci and contain the same centromere position.

What is the exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes?

homologous chromosomes exchange alleles during crossing over.

When do homologues pair?

A homologous pair is a pair of chromosomes that exist in diploid cells. One of the pair you inherit from your father, the other from your mother. A human has 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes (these do not include sex chromosomes). They are the same length and shape. They also share the same genes. The sequences of the genes may be different, which is what results in genetic variation, but the genes are the same.

What is the importance of the random alignment of homologous pairs in Metaphase 1?

The random alignment of homologous pairs of chromosomes during Metaphase 1 allows for independent assortment of genes.

What terms is used to describe pairs of chromosomes having DNA segments or genes for the same traits?


Where are homologous pairs of chromosomes not normally found in?

Homologous pairs of chromosomes are not normally found in a zygote.

Chromosomes normally occur as homologous pairs in?

Chromosomes normally occur as homologous pairs in a diploid cell. These refers to matching pairs of chromosomes which are found in the cell.

What are pairs of the same chromosomes called?

A pair of chromosomes is called a "chromosome pair."Generally, the two chromosomes in a pair are "homologous chromosomes."An individual form of a gene is called an "allele." (For example: if someone has genotype "Aa", they have two different alleles, "A" and "a")

Traits are determined by pairs of genes called?

The two chromosomes (two "X" shapes) that are in a pair are generally called "homologous chromosomes". A pair of "chromatids" make up the two arms of a single chromosome.

Matching pairs of chromosomes in a diploid cell is called?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs, one from each parent, that are similar in length,gene position, and centromere location. The position of the genes on each homologous chromosome is the same, however the genes may contain different alleles.A human karyotype shows the complete set of human chromosomes. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. Each chromosome pair represents a set of homologous chromosomes. In males, the sex chromosomes X and Y are homologues. In females, both X chromosomes are homologues.

What is a result if a species have homologous chromosomes?

It has pairs of matching chromosomes.

What are the matching pairs of chromosomes in the diploid cell called?

They are called homologous chromosomes (but can also be referred to as homologues or homologs).