

Hopi how did they live?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: Hopi how did they live?
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What did Hopi tribe live in?

The Hopi tribe lived in adobe houses

What did Hopi's live in?

The Hopi lived pueblos. Pueblos are made out of adobe.

Where do the hopi live?

the southwest

Did the Hopi people live in deserts?

Yes, the Hopi Indians lived, and still live, in the Colorado Plateau Desert.

What deserts did the Hopi live in?

The Hopi live in the Painted Desert region. This region is named because of the colorful rock formations. It is located in Arizona and in New Mexico.

Were do hopi Indians live in?

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Did the hopi live in Arizona?


What time period did the Hopi live in?

from a

In what type environment did the Hopi live?

Hopi Indians lived many live such as a farmer they grew most of their food

Did the hopi live in the same home?

yes they do live in the same ...