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Q: How Do you say unite in Japanese?
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Aloha: Say hui [hooee] or ho'ohui [ho oh hooee]

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The Nationalists & Communists tried to unite against Japan, but they kept fighting each other.

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Chinese, Japanese, and all other Asians

How do you say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese Thank you in advance?

To say old Japanese illustrations in Japanese, you say "Mukashi no Nihon no irasuto".

How do you import the monster hunter freedom 2 to monster hunter freedom unite?

Its easy when you start the game there should be a screen that says "Do you want to import saved data from monster hunter freedom 2?" then press yes. If you have a Japanese Monster hunter freedom 2 and an English unite you won't be able to transfer data, vice-versa if you have a Japanese Unite and an English Freedom

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Who do you say inside in Japanese?

we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.

How to say telekenisis in japanese?

Terekineshisu is the word for telekinesis in the Japanese language.