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an insect touches a leaf of a sundew plant then the leaf slowly moves and covers the insect with all those sticky stuff and then digest it and the nutrients go in the plant by tiny holes leading to the roots.

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16y ago

the dew on the plant attracts insects. when they land on it the hairs start to curve inward toward the insect and traps it. then it releases digestive juices to eat the insect.

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Q: How Does A Sundew Trap Digest And Absorb Insects?
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Is sundew insectivores?

Yes they take small insects as part of their diet

How do sundew digest their food?

They trap an inset on their sticky petals then send digestive juices.

What are the name of the plants who eat insects?

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Are sundrews allowed in New Zealand?

The word sundrew I don't recognize. If you refer to the small plant sundew, then New Zealand has a small number of species. These trap small insects with sticky hairs, then digest them. Maybe as a source of nitrogen or trace elements??

What are the name of those insects who eat plants?

Venus fly trap sundew pitcher plant bladder wort shepard's purse

What do insect eating plants produce in order to trap and digest insects?

Insect eating plants normally have modified leaves in order to trap insects - such as the "trap" in the Venus Flytrap, the "pitcher" of a Pitcher Plant and the sticky hair covered leaves of a Sundew. What they all have in common though is the ability to produce digestive enzymes in order to break down the insect body and facilitate digestion of contents the insect; the exoskeleton is not digested.

What does the Venus Fly Trap plants do with the insects they catch?

By enzymatic process, they "digest" the body of the insect as nourishment.

Why do meat eating plants trap insects because they cannot make their own food?

they trap and digest insects because they need to survive so they eat insects and so that us people dont get bitten by so many insects .

How do insectivorous plants obtain food from insects?

Insectivorous plants typically trap insects that land on them and digest them for nitrogen and phosphorous. The plant uses digestive juices to absorb the soft insides of the insect and discards the shell when finished.

What colour is a sundew plant?

Sundews are green, but they can also have red and other bright colors that attract insects. Sundews use green chlorophyl the same as other plants to make their food. The insects they trap provide nutrients that are lacking in the soil they live on.

What are some carnivorous plants?

Venus Fly Trap, Pitcher plants, sundew

What plant get food from small animals which they trap?

Sundew, venus flytrap, pitcher plant