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They don't, Homologous structures, such as the bones in your forearms and the bones in your cat's and dog's forelegs are that similar because you and your pets are mammals and closely related on the evolutionary tree. Before modern genetic showed this to be convincing the study of morphology was showing us pretty much the same thing; homologous structures support evolution.

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Q: How Does Homologous Structures Disapprove Evolution?
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How do analogous structures and homologous structures differ?

Homologous features of animals are a lot more recent in contrast to evolution, where as analogous dates far back. Homologous features are similar in structure, but perform different functions, such as the human hands and dolphin flippers, which makes room to allow recent evolution comparisons while analogous consists of wings of a bee and a bird, which are completely different. When trying to determine evolutionary relationship between two species, biologists concentrate on homologous features, as analogous features would be considered useless in this case.

How are analogous and homologous structures different?

They are different because homologous structures have the same structure, but serve a different function. Like mammal arms(human, bat and whales). Analogous structues are different structures, but serve the same function. For example, bat wings and butterfly wings.

How does homologous structures and analogous structures provide evidence that evolution has occurred?

Structures which are apparently different and performing different functions but their basic structure is similar are called homologous structures and indicate common ancestry eg. fore limbs of bat , whale , horse dog and man apparently different but are made up of humerus , radius , ulna , carpel , metacarpals and phalanges .

How does homologous structure support the theory of evolution?

Evolution is the process of deriving species from other species, forms from other forms. Homologous structures are structures in organisms that share the same components. A good example is the vertebrate limb - it's clear that our arm, a bat's wing, a dolphin's flipper and a mole's digging paw all share the same identifiable bones. This supports the idea they're all derived from a structure in a common ancestor, as opposed to being created independently.

What trait shared with a common ancestor?

Homologous structures

Related questions

What evolution has produced many of the analogous structures in organisms today?

Convergent evolution is the process by which unrelated organisms evolve similar traits or structures in response to similar selection pressures in their environment. This results in analogous structures that serve similar functions despite not being derived from a common ancestor. Examples include the wings of bats and birds for flight, or the streamlined bodies of sharks and dolphins for efficient swimming.

Both homologous and analogous forms of these result from evolution?


Is a wing of a bird homologous to the wing of a cat?

In biology, homologous structures are defined as structures which serve the same purposes because they evolved from the same source (divergent evolution), the opposite of analogous structures, which serve the same purpose but evolved through convergent evolution. Birds' wings and bats' wings are both homologous and analogous. As wings, the two are analogous, but as forelimbs, the two are homologous.

What are structures that have different functions in different species but develop from the same embryonic tissue?

Homologous structures

What is an explanation of why bird wings and reptile forelegs are evidence of evolution?

Homologous structures indicate a common ancestor

How is homologous vs analogous structures a part of evolution?

My spidey senses are telling me to tell you to look in your book.

What are structures that share a common evolutionary origin called?

Homologous Structures - California LIFE Science Prentice Hall (7th grade)

What importance are homologous structures to the study of evolution?

Learning that the flipper of a whale is really just like your upper arm.

Homologous structures in organisms suggest that the organisms?

share a common ancestor. These structures are similar in form and function but may have evolved to serve different purposes in different species due to natural selection. The presence of homologous structures supports the theory of evolution.

Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are called structures?

Homologous structures.

How is homologous structures an example of evolution?

Though the forelimb of your cat or dog does not look much like your arms these are homologous structures that are almost identical bone for bone. This shows the common ancestry of all tetrapods and the closer common ancestry of you and your mammal pets.

Similarity of structure of the forelimb of a bird and a mammal is an example of what evidence?

Homologous structures - the forelimb structures are anatomically similar and were derived from a common ancestor; however, they have evolved completely different uses. This provides evidence for divergent evolution or adaptive radiation.