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Homologous structures indicate a common ancestor

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Q: What is an explanation of why bird wings and reptile forelegs are evidence of evolution?
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According to the theory of evolution birds feathers evolved from?

According to evolution bird's feathers evolved from reptile scales.

What was the fossilized reptile found in S America and in Africa that was used for evidence for continental drift?

The Glossopteris, an ancient plant and Mesosaurus, an ancient reptile. lexii answered this question.

What is the geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence?

The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence that supports continental drift. Fossils belonging to the Mesosaurus were found far away from each other, in both South Africa and South America.

What evidence does the geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provide?

South America and Africa were once joined.

How can Glossopteris an ancient plant and Mesosaurus an ancient reptile be used as evidence for continental drift?

it can be used as evidence because they are old and moved from one place to another by the power of the ocean.

How did dinosaurs develop?

Evolution, my dear boy, evolution. Some sort of reptile must have had a child slightly different than it so as to suit the enviorment. At some time the child was a dinosaur. Dinosaurs evolved from archosaurian reptiles.

What key evidence supports the hypothesis of continental drift?

fossils of the reptile mesosoaurus have been found in south america and Africa. it probably coldnt swim between the conmtinents. scientist theorized that this reptile live.... more

Is alligator a mammals?

No, an alligator is a reptile.

Do alligators and turtles come from the same ancestors?

Turtles and tortoises branched off from the mainstream of reptile evolution years ago. Yes, turtles and alligators come from the same ancestors.

The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence that .?

South america and Africa were once joined.

The reptile which was the ancestor of mammals can be classified as a?

There's a misconception at work here. The reptilian branch of evolution did not spawn the mammalian branch of evolution. You need to go back to the reptilian ancestor that was also a mammalian ancestor. We humans do have what is referred to as a reptilian brain, which is a small part of our whole brain.

Birds are very close to reptilesHow will you prove it?

birds are thought to be evolved from reptiles. there is evidence from an anciet organism called archaeopteryx which had bird and reptile features mixed