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South America and Africa were once joined.

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Q: What evidence does the geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provide?
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What is the geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence?

The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence that supports continental drift. Fossils belonging to the Mesosaurus were found far away from each other, in both South Africa and South America.

The geographic distribution of the swimming reptile Mesosaurus provides evidence that .?

South america and Africa were once joined.

What are rednecks excellent of painting swimming?

Inconclusive evidence...ask again later.

When did swimming happen the first time?

Swimming has been around since the caveman days concluded by evidence of pictures drawn on cave walls.

Is there any special way the sea otter eats?

Usually swimming on its back, from what I've seen on TV and read in the National Geographic.

Can big foot swim?

there is no firm evidence that Bigfoot exists so his or her swimming ability is a moot point.

In the book Tom Sawyer what evidence prove tom visited the swimming hole?

In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," the evidence that proves Tom visited the swimming hole includes his soiled clothes, wet hair, and the knowledge he demonstrates about a corpse in the river - all of which indicate he had been at the swimming hole. Additionally, Tom's aunt also questions him directly about it, further confirming his visit.

Does the case of mesosaurus support Wegener's theory of continental drift why or why not?

Yes, the case of the Mesosaurus does support Wegener's theory of continental drift because Mesosaurus however were-- as stated very well, A non-pelagic freshwater species from the Permian limited to a narrow range in the south east tip of South America and South Africa. In my opinion we cannot totally rule out "Accidental" ocean going land and freshwater as examples do exist (e.g Central and South American land tortoises to and from Galapagos) but the gravity of the drift theory favors conjoint land else narrow very narrow seaways for which rafting or limited range free swimming could be a mechanism of spreading breeding populations. My point being we can not exclude the possibility of animals being able to cross minor bodies of water because we have more modern examples for which swimming or rafting on debris were plausible. Egrets are a flying example of how species may be distributed across large bodies of water and so aren't perfect evidence. Common egrets were blown over from Africa to South America late in the 1800s in a massive storm system. Through replication and migrations they have reached the Piedmont of the Carolinas , central Alabama-Georgia and western Tennessee.

What is the most accurate evidence for evolution?

That multi-celled animals exist. Without evolution we'd just be strands of RNA swimming or blowing about.

What really happened to casy Anthony's daughters?

Casey Anthony's daughter, Caylee, is said to have accidentally drowned in their swimming pool but their is no actual evidence to support that.

Why does your swimming pool pump work when you plug it the garage but when you hook to swimming pool does not work?

You should never run a swimming-pool pump dry! The most likely problem, from the rather flimsy evidence in your question hinting at it not rotating, is not with the pump or its motor but a fault in the electrical supply to the pool plant, or in the timer or other pump controller.

Is there a bigfoot?

Science has not as yet proven it. But the latest Olympic swimming champion has big feet.There is circumstantial evidence, largely anecdotal, of the existence of Bigfoot (Sasquatch, Yeti, etc.), however, no expedition has ever produced empirical evidence of a living or dead creature.