

Prehistoric Animals

Prehistoric animals represent the vast majority of extinct animals. Through exploration, scientists are piecing together from the first sea dwelling organisms to modern day species. Types of questions covered are about animals who existed before recorded history and the ever popular debate as to what caused the dinosaur extinction.

1,197 Questions

What is the largest prehistoric animal not including reptiles?

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The blue whale is the largest prehistoric animal, not including reptiles. Some prehistoric species of the blue whale were even larger than the current ones.

What is a fossil that look like a spiral or a rams horn called?

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A fossil that looks like a spiral or a ram's horn is called an ammonite. Ammonites were marine creatures that lived millions of years ago, and their distinctive spiral shape makes them easily recognizable in the fossil record.

What super volcano caused Ashfall fossil beds?

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The super volcano that caused the Ashfall fossil beds is believed to be the Yellowstone hotspot, specifically the volcanic activity around 12 million years ago in what is now Nebraska. The eruption of the hotspot released volcanic ash that covered the region, preserving the fossilized remains of animals.

The dominant animal life during the Mesozoic Era was the dinosaur slash reptile True or False?

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Asked by Dezareasalak

True. Dinosaurs were the dominant animal life during the Mesozoic Era, which is also known as the "Age of Dinosaurs." They were a diverse group of reptiles that existed for over 180 million years before going extinct.

When where and by whom was the Smilodon fossil discovered?

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Smilodon fossils were first discovered in South America in the 19th century by Danish paleontologist Peter Wilhelm Lund. The most famous discoveries of Smilodon fossils were made in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California. These fossils date back to the Pleistocene epoch.

How tall did Indarctos the largest ever bear at 5500 lb stand?

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The National Park Service says the Indarctos found in John Day Oregon stood 16 feet tall, tall enough to look through a two story window.

For all we know, 20 foot bears once lived in Oregon.

Which layer of the Badlands contains reptile fossils but no dinosaur fossils?

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The Chadron Formation in the Badlands contains reptile fossils, but no dinosaur fossils. This layer dates back to the Eocene epoch, about 34 to 56 million years ago, making it too recent for dinosaur fossils which are typically older.

What were some major events in the Permian time period?

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During the Permian period, Earth experienced the formation of the supercontinent Pangaea, extensive glaciation in the southern hemisphere, and the diversification of reptiles. The Permian-Triassic extinction event, the largest mass extinction in Earth's history, occurred at the end of the period, resulting in the loss of around 90% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species.

Where was the largest ever dinosaur bone found?

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The largest dinosaur bone ever found was a thigh bone, or femur, of a Titanosaur in Patagonia, Argentina. This fossil was uncovered in 2014 and belongs to a species that lived around 100 million years ago.

How is DNA used as evidence for evolution?

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All species have the same genetic code.

Which is not a major period of the geologic time scale?

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Century - A century is not a major period of the geologic time scale. The major divisions of the geologic time scale are eons, eras, periods, and epochs.

Did humans ever have a sixth toe?

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Yes, some humans can be born with a sixth toe, a condition known as polydactyly. It is a genetic anomaly that can occur during fetal development. In most cases, the extra toe is usually non-functional and may be removed for medical or cosmetic reasons.

What era are mammoths and mastadons abundant in?

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Mammoths and mastodons were abundant during the Pleistocene era, which occurred from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago. These large, prehistoric mammals roamed the Earth during this time period before going extinct.

What are some of the causes of background and mass extinctions?

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Background extinctions are typically caused by natural events such as climate change, volcanic eruptions, or asteroid impacts. Mass extinctions are often attributed to catastrophic events like major asteroid impacts, volcanic eruptions, or significant climate change, which cause widespread disruption to ecosystems and species. Human activities, such as habitat destruction, pollution, and overexploitation of resources, can also contribute to both background and mass extinctions.

Would animal life on earth be possible without plants?

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No, animal life on Earth would not be possible without plants. Plants are primary producers that provide oxygen through photosynthesis, food for animals, and play a crucial role in the food chain by converting sunlight into energy that can be consumed by animals. Without plants, animals would not have a sustainable source of energy or oxygen to survive.

When and where Carcharodon megalodon fossils found?

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Fossils of Carcharodon megalodon have been found worldwide, but some key locations include North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. The species existed during the Miocene to Pliocene epochs, about 23 to 2.6 million years ago.

Why does ammonite come before trilobites?

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Ammonites appeared during the Devonian period, around 400 million years ago, while trilobites first appeared during the Cambrian period, approximately 540 million years ago. Therefore, ammonites came into existence after trilobites.

Which organisms have produced the oldest fossil evidenc?

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Microbial organisms, such as cyanobacteria and stromatolites, have produced some of the oldest fossil evidence on Earth, dating back billions of years. These ancient microorganisms played a crucial role in shaping the early Earth's environment and have left behind important clues for scientists studying the history of life on our planet.

The cause of the Permian mass extinction is well understood?

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The cause of the Permian mass extinction, also known as the Great Dying, is not fully understood. It is believed to be a combination of volcanic eruptions, climate change, and possibly an asteroid impact. These factors led to a rapid and severe disruption of ecosystems, resulting in the loss of around 96% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species.

A fossil found under a layer of rock is usually?

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older than the rock layer above it and can provide information about the time period in which it lived and the environmental conditions at that time. This helps scientists estimate the age of the rock layers and understand the history of the area where the fossil was found.

How do brachiopods feed?

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Brachiopods feed by filtering small particles from the water using a specialized organ called a lophophore, which is a feeding structure with tentacles that capture food particles. The particles are then transported to the mouth for digestion.

What was Curvie's theory of evolution?

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Curvie's theory of evolution, known as orthogenesis, proposed that species evolved in a predetermined direction toward a fixed goal or purpose, driven by internal forces rather than natural selection. However, this theory has been largely discredited because it lacks substantial evidence and does not align with the principles of modern evolutionary biology.

What fossil looks like a spiral or a rams horn?

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The ammonite fossil has a spiral shape similar to a ram's horn. Ammonites were marine creatures that lived millions of years ago and had coiled shells. These fossils are often found in sedimentary rocks and are prized by collectors for their intricate shapes.

What were the major geological events in the permian time period?

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The major geological events in the Permian period include the assembly of the supercontinent Pangaea, widespread glaciation in the southern hemisphere, and the formation of the Siberian Traps volcanic province, which led to significant climate change and a mass extinction event known as the Permian-Triassic extinction.

When was the first Megalodon fossil found?

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Asked by JCXY94

Megalodon sharks are only known from fossilized teeth. Even before the Renaissance, megalodon teeth had been found, but they were believed to be the petrified tongues of dragons or snakes. In 1667, Danish naturalist Nicolaus Steno recognized that they were shark teeth. He revealed his findings in a book called The Head of a Shark Dissected.