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Q: How Does lenses bend light by reflection?
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What do modern microscopes bend?

Modern microscopes that uses lenses to bend LIGHT

What is the difference between reflection and refraction?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

What is the difference between refraction and reflection.?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

What the difference is between reflection and refraction?

Reflection is for the light rays to bounce, and refraction is for the light rays to bend. maybe not equally, but enough to bend or bounce.

The thickest lenses deflect and bend light?

The most.

Do convex lenses cause light to bend?

Yes, they make light bend inwards towards a focus point.

How do the lenses of a light microscrope makr an object look larger?

They bend light.

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend?

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend light or images. The magnification occurs by precise lens grinding that bends light across the surface of the lens.

How does the refracting telescope work?

It all depends on if the telscope is a refractor, or a reflector. Reflectors have a convex mirror that bends the reflection on to a flat mirror that angles the magnified reflection to the eyepiece. Refractors use to convex lenses that bend the image and light, magnifying the view to the eypiece.

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How do modern microscopes use lenses to bend light?

The curvature of the lenses bends light so that the central part of the object appears magnified to a larger size.

Which term best describes what happens when light interacts with a mirror?

Mirrors reflect light, lenses dont