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Q: How Does this list make his argument more or less convincing why?
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How does Jefferson structure the argument to make it clear and convincing?

He uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm and memorable ideas. - Apex :)

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It can, but, as with any paper, you want to make your argument the most convincing.

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circle graph

Read these sentences from the Declaration of Independence. How does Jefferson structure the argument to make it clear and convincing?

He uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm and memorable ideas. :)

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There are many varying opinions on this. Personally I believe there are many convincing arguments against suicide. I am not religious so i will leave those arguments for someone else. The most convincing argument I can think of is that when things are bad or when life is bad they/it almost always get better. When someone is depressed they have trouble realizing that and feel it will never get better. There are certain cases, most of them with terminal illness or with someone who has permanently lost control or function of their body that make this argument harder to argue.

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a box and whisker plot showing the median number

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Make it colourful

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to be a great writer and make sure you got all the key points you need

How do you Write an Argument Essay?

An argument essay is to identify the reasoning given in an argument. If the reasoning is sound, an argument essay will strengthen it. On the other hand, if the reasoning is flawed an argument essay is expected to identify the flaw and give measures to remove the flaw and ultimately make the argument stronger. The best way to learn about argument essays is by reading a few samples. A good list of GRE argument and issue essays could be found on the related links given for this question.

Why might an author use Ethos to persuade the readers?

An author might use ethos to persuade readers by establishing their credibility and authority on the topic, which can make the argument more convincing and trustworthy. By showing their expertise, experience, or moral character, the author can build a connection with the audience and enhance the persuasive impact of their argument.