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How Electron confinement in infinitely deep square well

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Q: How Electron confinement in infinitely deep square well in nanomaterials?
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Why would an increase in atomic radius make it easier to lose an outer electron?

It's because as atomic radius increases, so do the number of electron shells. The full electron shells closer to the nucleus act like a barrier or shield that reduces the pulling force exerted by the Nucleus on the outer electron. Since the nucleus's pulling force is reduced, an electron on the outer shell can escape much more easily.

Is KrF4 sp3d2 octahedral square planar and nonpolar?

A KrF4 sp3D2 octahedral square, which has octahedral electron domain geometry two nonbonded pair, AB4E2, is non-polar. It also is planar, as is any shape that has sides (planes).

Is XeF4 a polar or nonpolar?

It is non polar. The central Xe atom has 4 Fluorine atoms and two electron pairs attached giving it AB4E2 molecular structure. This leads to a square planar molecular shape. F is more electronegative than Xe and is thus a polar covalent bond, but the 4 bonds in a square cancel out, and the electron pair on top and bottom of the "square plane" cancel each-other out as well, leaving you with a non polar molecule

What 2 ways of representing an atom's electron configuration?

In full starting with 1s and through each level. The noble gas form, where only the electrons above the highest noble gas configuration are shown, the noble gas is in square brackets. Example chlorine 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p5 [Ne]) 3s2 3p5

Will electron lattice electron interaction lower the energy of electrons?

latice energy decreases as you move down a group. This is mostly due to the fact that, as you move down a group in the periodic table the atomic radius increases. It follows that since the square of the distance is inversely proportional to force of the attraction between charges (Coulomb's Law), latice energy will decrease as atomic radius increases.

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What 3-d shapes have square bases?

There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes.

What is a solid figure with the base like a square?

A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.A square based pyramid, a square based prism, and any one of infinitely many other 3-dimensional shapes.

Is zero is the perfect square?

No. There are infinitely many perfect squares so there is no "the" perfect square.

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There are infinitely many of them. The square of every odd number will be an odd square number.

How many squre are there?

None. But if you meant square, then there are infinitely many.

What are al the square numbers?

There are infinitely many and it is impossible to list them.

What is the probability of drawing a square?

The probability is 0: there are infinitely many shapes.

What solid figure has a flat surface that is square?

There are infinitely many possible answers. A square based pyramid is one.

Explain how to identify whether an equation has no solution or infinitely many solutions?

An equation can be determine to have no solution or infinitely many solutions by using the square rule.

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Infinitely many.

How much points are acceptable per 100 Square yards?

Infinitely many.

How many different hexagons with the area of 16 square units?

Infinitely many