

How Germans hide what they did to Jews?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They buried them in the concertration camps or let them rot or left them

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Q: How Germans hide what they did to Jews?
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Why did the Jews hide?

Because the Germans were after the Jews and they wanted to kill them all. so they tried to hide.

Did all Germans support hittlers plan to exterminate the Jewish people?

No some helped hide the Jews

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

What country did the Germans start executing of Jews first?

the polish Jews were attacked first then the Germans killed as they went east the western Jews were left until later in the war.some German Jews even survived the whole was easier to hide their crimes in the east-that is why the extermination camps were in the east eg sobibor,chelmo

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

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The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

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The Germans were rounding up Jews and they wanted to hide away were no one would know were they were hiding.

What happened to the Jews who couldn't find hiding places?

In WW2 sometimes Jews could not hide from the Germans. In this instance they would be arrested and sent away to labor camps. Sometimes they got sent to death camps.

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

What happened to the Germans when they liberated the Jews?

There's a muddle here. The surviving Jews were liberated by the Allies, not by the Germans.

How did Germans accept the extermination of Jews?

Germans were not told that the Jews were being exterminated at the time, they believed that the Jews were being re-settled in the east.

What did the Jews of sighet think of the Germans in the book night?

the jews thought that the germans were awful people. That the germans had brought them to hell. (my english professor told me this answer)