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Q: How High is the Ganges river source?
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Where is river ganges source?

the source of ganges is Gangotri

Does the river Ganges have any waterfalls?

Yes, the river Ganges has a waterfall at the source of the river!!

What is the River Ganges source?

The source of the River Ganges is the Gangotri Glacier, in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand, India. This is almost on the border with China.

Why is the Ganges River considered to be holy by the Hindus?

As more Aryans poepled the plains near the great Ganges, they came to consider the river sacred. But according to the tradition, the Ganges has a divine source-it flow from the god Shiva's hair.

How old is the river ganges?

the ganges river is your mom

What is the name of the river Ganges in India?

The Ganges River.

What river is the Ganges Dam located on?

the ganges river...

What river is the ganges river in?

The river Ganges is not in a river but, its a main river its self. So it is not in a river and never will be!

What is the definition of Ganges river?

Ganges River- a major river in northern India.

What animals will you find in the river ganges?

Ganges River Dolphin

Which country is river ganges in?

The river Ganges is in India and Bangladesh.

What river is near the ganges river?

the mountain range that is near the ganges river is the himalayas!