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Simply by being conservative to say it decently or by being lethargic and cautious to say the truth.

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Q: How India has successfully overcome the adverse effects of recession?
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John Maynard Keynes

What are the implications of global recession?

The global recession has adverse effects on the worldâ??s economy. The effects include loss of jobs and foreclosure of homes. Inflation has led to high prices for food and other commodities.

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Who was john maynard keynes?

John Maynard Keynes was one of the best and renounced economist of United Kingdom. He has done a lot of work in modern macroeconomics. He is considered as one of the finest economist of his Era. He has invented theories of Fiscal and monetory policies for government. The aim of these policies is to overcome the adverse effects of boom, recession and depression. His popular expression "In the long run we are all dead" is still quoted in this contemporary world.

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the economic effects of recession are business fail,people lose their jobs, and profit fails.

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None are recorded currently

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