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Q: How The scale used to define sound intensities is called the scale?
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The scale used to define sound intensities?

decibel scale

What is the scale used to define sound intensities?

Take a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). Try to measure the sound pressure p in pascals or in decibels, referred to the threshold of hearing with 20 micropascals.

How do you define sound do re mi fa so la ti do?

By the pentatonic scale, on with those sounds are based;.

How do you add sound intensities?

To add sound intensities, convert them to their corresponding decibel (dB) values and then add them together. Finally, convert the sum back to intensity if needed. Remember that sound intensity is a logarithmic measure, so adding intensities directly is not appropriate.

The intensities of the loudest sounds you can tolerate compare to the lowest intensities you can hear?

Something like 100 dB = 1010 = 10,000,000,000 times as much sound power

What is the difference between loudness and intensity?

Sound intensity or acoustic intensity can be calculated from the objective measurement of the sound pressure. The loudness is a psycho-acoustic subjective feeling, which is difficult to measure.

What is the term on sound?

define the term sound

How the sound is produced in humans?

According to my opinion sound card is located towards the dorsal side slightly beneath the neck region.Because of the vibration produced in the sound box it produces the sound of different intensities,which we hear.

Define the term sound waves?

Waves of sound.

How is sound produced in the human body?

According to my opinion sound card is located towards the dorsal side slightly beneath the neck region.Because of the vibration produced in the sound box it produces the sound of different intensities,which we hear.

Unit of measuring loudness of sound is called?

The unit of measuring loudness of sound is called the decibel (dB). The decibel scale is logarithmic and is used to compare the intensity of different sounds.

Is the 'a' sound in the word 'scale' long vowel sound?

No, the 'a' sound in "scale" is a short vowel sound. The long vowel sound for 'a' would be like in the word "cake".