

How Was divination used by the priests?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How Was divination used by the priests?
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The antonym for divination is remembrance, or reminiscence.

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Water can be used as a divination tool; there's no reason as to why not. Staring at a bowl of water alone is one method for receiving answers, but it depends on the interpretation of ripples and forming shadows in the water. Google water divination and see what you find. A lot of times, intention alone is a great divination technique.

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The three types of divination used by witch doctors to diagnose includes augur, chronomancy, and pyromancy. Types of pyromancy includes alomancy, botanomancy, daphnomancy, and osteomancy.

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Tarot cards are not used to cast spells, they are used for divination.

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Smoking dates all the way back to 5000 BC, and has been recorded to be used in many different places and cultures around the world. Smoking was invented and evolved into being an offering to deities, and was used at religious ceremonies. Smoking was also used by priest, as "cleansing rituals or to allow shamans and priests to alter their minds for purposes of divination or spiritual enlightenment."

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depends on what method is used in praticing it. how about idolatry, generally speaking.

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Prior to being used as an alphabet, runes were used for magical purposes, such as casting lots (divination) and casting spells of protection.

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Oracle bones are used for divination chiefly during the late Shang Dynasty.

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D for Divination! That was actually a double meaning, he got a D in Divination.