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Iodine is soluble in carbon tetrachloride.

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Q: How a pure sample of iodine could be obtained from a mixture of iodine and sulphur?
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When iodine solution is mixed with an unknown sample of food the mixture turn blue black this color change indicates the presence of?

An enzyme.

Why is iron and zinc a mixture?

Pure iron is a pure substance because it's chemical composition stays uniform regardless of it's sample size. It's matter that appears uniform in appearance and composition, no matter how small the sample size. An example of a pure substance includes pure iron

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How is this number determined?

iodine no is no of gms of iodine equivalent to ICl consumed by 100gms of oil. iodine no.=vol. of iodine used( ICl)* normality* equivalent weight of iodine / weight of oil sample

How do you make a pure sample of Iodine?

mix common arsenic with soap. mix common arsenic with soap.

Equation used to determine the iodine value?

Iodine value= (B-S)N x 12.69 ------------------- wt of sample where, B=titration of blank S= titration of sample N= normality of thiosulphate

Why do sample should be keep in dark place for 30minutes in determination of iodine value?

to avoid the light go through in the sample and keep the sample cool also.

Is it safe to drink sulphur well water?

You should first take a sample for biological analysis.

A typical soil sample is an example of a homogeneous mixture?

No, a typical soil sample is heterogeneous.

Why is iodine considered a trace element in seawater?

A trace element is considered is a specific element that contains less than 100 parts per million in a sample. In this case, the sample is seawater. According to my understanding, the presence of iodine is very limited in seawater. There is only 0.05 parts per million of iodine in seawater. As such, iodine is considered a trace element in seawater.

What is the relationship between a sample and population is statistics?

Information obtained from the sample can be extrapolated to the whole population using statistics.

Is a typical soil sample an example of a homogeneous mixture?

No, a typical soil sample is heterogeneous.A homogenous mixture means that all components of the mixture are equally distributed throughout the entire mixture. Soil, then, would not be a homogenous mixture. Every time one takes a sample of a soil mixture and analyzed it, it would have a different make-up then other samples taken from the soil mixture. One would seldom be able to get two samples that had the same make-up.No, soil is heterogeneous.No. A mixed sample, by Nature, is heterogenous and so may not also be a homogenous (pure) substance.