

How a river develops?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: How a river develops?
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What factors might affect how quickly a waterfall develops?

the speed of the river and the amount of water in the river.

Tributaries branch out and lengthen as a river system develops by?

i think it is a runoff

A condition that develops when water overflows natural or artificial river banks?


What is a landform that develops when a river deposits sediment as it flows into the ocean?

River Delta or just simply delta.

After fertilization the develops into a seed and the develops into a fruit?

egg and ovule The ovule develops into a seed and the ovary develops into a fruit.

What develops from an embryo?

In plants embryo develops in new seedling and in animals it develops into feotus which later develops into baby

Could you give you an example of a delta?

== == Mekong Delta, Mississippi delta, the Nile delta, Mackenzie delta or any nearly flat plain of alluvial deposit between diverging branches of the mouth of a river, often, though not necessarily, triangular and it is a name

What is the proper spelling of develops?

You have it right. Develops

Which part of a flower develops into a fruit?

The ovary of the flower develops into a fruit.

What is it when something develops?

When something develops, there are usually certain changes to that effect.

Why did civilizatoins develop in the fertile cescent?

There was fertile river valleys which produced the food surplus which could be used to promote more than just a struggle for survival, an essential factor on which civilisation develops.

What are the three main functions of estrogen?

It maintains the menstruation cycle. It develops secondary sexual characteristics. It also develops sexual organs.