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Q: How a strong blow to the head might cause a retinal detachment?
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Is the retina firmly attached to the choroid layer?

The retina is not attached as firmly as you might hope and a a result retinal detachment, due to trauma or some diseases, is not uncommon.

For what kind of problems might one visit a doctor who specialises in optometry?

If you were to visit a doctor that specializes in optometry, you would be having problems with your vision. Problems could include glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy and blindness.

How soon after cataract surgery might complications appear?

Cataract surgery does include risks of retinal problems. Despite this, the procedure is considered extremely safe. Following are the most commonly seen retinal issues after cataract surgery. The most commonly encountered retinal issue after cataract surgery is macular edema (also known as Irvine-Gass syndrome). Although this can happen to anyone, it is more commonly seen among those who have a condition known as an epiretinal membrane (or "Cellophane Maculopathy"), diabetes, or whose capsule ruptured during cataract surgery. Sometimes the condition will resolve on its own though the treatment of this condition often includes use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as well as topical steroids. Occasionally, an injection is given in the eye to resolve the macular swelling. Less common, but more feared is retinal detachment. The retina can spontaneously detach from the back of the eye months to years after a successful cataract surgery. Even though the risk is small (1% to 2%), patients can have substantially and permanently reduced vision with retinal detachment if it is not urgently and successfully treated. Therefore, it is important to report floaters, light flashes and a curtain-like vision loss to the eye surgeon within 24 hours of onset of symptoms so immediate management may be rendered. People who are near-sighted (even if they had prior LASIK) are at a higher risk of retinal detachment. Even less common is light toxicity from the microscope illumination system. With modern cataract surgery often taking less than 20 minutes this is now a very rare occurrence.

Can retinal hemorrhage cause migraines?

Migraine is a primary condition. This means that Migraine is not caused by any other condition. Migraine may be triggered by retinal hemorrhage, or the pain of retinal hemorrhage may mimic Migraine. However, Migraine is not caused by retinal hemorrhage. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache conditions, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist who has received additional training in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these headache disorders and diseases.

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There is some strong indication that hickies can cause cancer. This mainly causes blood clots which might eventually turn out to be cancerous.

Could a tornado pick up the CN tower?

No. Though a very strong tornado might cause it to collapse.

I had a vitrectomy four weeks ago and two days ago noticed more floaters and a water like bubble forming in the eye that was operated on. I have change my plans to return home in two days to see my Dr. The bubble has increased in size. advise please.?

You might be developing a cataract, which is the most common complication of vitrectomy procedure; other complications are infection and retinal detachment. Be sure to contact your doctor at once.

Can a person be allergic to odor from flowers?

the answer is yes or no.Yes because the odor might be strong or plain and simple just nasty. and no because mostly it might be the fuss or the petal it can not be allergies it might be dizziness the colors cause.

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He might be strong if he is saying that. He will not remember you if he is that strong. You should get over that as well.