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Q: How absolute zero is a lowest possible temperature?
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Is the temperature -300 Celsius possible?

No. The lowest possible temperature is absolute zero, -273.15 degrees Celsius.

What is the difference between kelvin and absolute kelvin?

Kelvin is the absolute temperature - a temperature where absolute zero, the lowest temperature possible, is defined as zero. Therefore, in the phrase "absolute Kelvin", the word "absolute" seems redundant.

What is 0 degrees Kelvin called?

Absolute Zero, lowest possible temperature

Describe what is meant by absoulute zero?

Absolute zero means lowest possible temperature. This mean this is really cold temperature.

What abslute zero is zero?

I will assume you meant to ask, "What is absolute zero?" Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature, at -273 degrees Celsius, or 0 Kelvins.

What is absolute zero of temperature?

The lowest possible temperature. On the Kelvin scale, this temperature is zero degrees; on the Celsius scale, about minus 273 degrees.

What do you call the lowest temperature?

zero kelvinThe lowest temperature is referred to as , "absolute zero degrees."

Is -200 degrees celsius a possible temperature?

Yes. The lowest possible temperature (absolute zero) is approximately -273 degrees C.

How is absolute zero and 0 k the same?

The Kelvin temperature scale is designed so that zero Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature, at which all molecular motion has ceased, hence, it is absolute zero.

What is the lowest temperature it can measure?

Absolute Zero.

What is the temperature called at which no more energy can be removed form matter?

I guess you mean, no more thermal energy (heat). That's the lowest possible temperature, called "absolute zero", or zero Kelvin.

The lowest temperature a superconducter can work at?

0oK, or absolute zero is the lowest temperature. Superconductors have a critical temperature at which they begin to work, but it is the highest temperature, and they function as superconductors at any temperature lower, down to as close to absolute zero as they can be made to be (absolute zero is unachievable).