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The total number of gas molecules will decrease.

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Q: How according to le châtelier's principle how will a pressure increase affect a gaseous system?
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What is Paschal Principle?

Pascal's Principle states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.

What does Bernoulli's Principle say about pressure exerted by a moving fluid?

A simplified answer is: when the speed of an ideal fluid increase the pressure decrease.The principle of Daniel Bernoulli is old from 1738 !

What is bernoulli's princeiple?

If you mean Bernoulli's principle, it's the statement that an increase in the speed of a fluid produces a decrease in pressure and a decrease in the speed produces an increase in pressure.

How will a pressure increase affect a gaseous system?

According to Boyle's Law of Pressure-Volume Relationship, an increase in the pressure of a gas will decrease it's volume. And according to Charles's Law of Temperature-Pressure Relationship, an increase in pressure causes an increase in temperature.

What does Bernoulli's principles states?

Bernoulli's principle states that an increase in the speed of a liquid results in a decrease in pressure, and a decrease in the speed of a liquid results in an increase in pressureBernoulli's Principle states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases.

How could you increase the production of 2NH3(g) N2(g) plus 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) Increase the volume of the reaction vessel. Increase the pressure of the system. Decrease the pressure of the system. Remove?

Given N2(g) + 3H2(g) <---> 2NH3(g), increasing the pressure will cause more NH3 to form. According to LeChatelier's Principle, an increase in pressure moves the equilibrium in the direction where there are fewer moles (particles), which in this equilibrium, is to the right.

What operating principle of float-type carburetors is based on?

increase in air velocity in the throat of a venturi causing an increase in air pressure.

What is the difference between Pascal's principle and Archimedes principle?

Archimedes principle is what determines the buoyant force and pascal principle is when a force is applied to a confined fluid an increase in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid . this relationship is known as pascal principle.

What explains what happens when force is applied to confined fluid?

When a force is applied to a confined fluid, an increase in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid. This is known as Pascal's principle.

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According to Bernoulli's principle what characteristic of a moving fluid determines its pressure?


What According to Bernoulli's principle what characteristics of a moving fluid determines its pressure?
